(P) Dates

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date nights with Five


+Very fancy, takes you somewhere expensive because he likes spoiling you.

+gets you whatever you want, and orders the same thing that you do, or he shares with you ♡

+gets jealous, because one time a stupid waiter tried flirting with you while you were on a date with Five, so when you had to pay, Five just spacial jumped you out without paying #baddie


+He is a gentleman the whole time, he picks you up and drops you off, and wears a suit 😳

+hand, cheek, and lip kisses

+very romantic


+he brings most of the food

+all of the food that he brings are the ones you like

+takes you somewhere B E A U T I F U L

+your favorite place is a really pretty meadow, and ONE TIME A BUNNY CAME UP TO YOU GUYS AND YOU GOT TO PET IT

+makeouts, because you guys are alone

+you sit on his lap

+"I love you Y/N" is what you hear constantly, and "You're so beautiful."

+holds your hand when you walk


+he likes taking you on a romantic stroll

+usually walks through a nice park, maybe a forest, or wherever you want to go

+holds your hand, or sometimes carries you 🥰

+talks to you about whats going on in his life and asks about yours

+if you get too tired he'll carry you back to the car HE IS SUCH A SWEET BABYGGHSHEHEHJ

Who is your favorite Hargreeves sibling??
Five or vanya for me 🥶
Ily guyz

----------------------Who is your favorite Hargreeves sibling??Five or vanya for me 🥶Ily guyz

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