(I) Home Late

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Usually, Five would get home from work around 5 pm, but its 7:30 now. I called him earlier, he said he had extra work to do, and he'd be home close to 6:30 or 7.

So there I sat, tapping my foot on the ground as I sat on the couch, absent-mindedly glancing at the clock. The house was clean and the dinner I had prepared was getting cold, so I kept it in the microwave to try and preserve the heat.

Finally, a car drove down the street. I stood up quickly, glad that Five was here, but the car just drove straight past our house and kept going. I sat down with a huff, as I laid my head on the back of the couch. Looking to the sides of me, I saw nothing but a book and some spare pencils. I wasn't going to sit here and do nothing while I waited, so I decided to start reading the book.

3rd person pov:

The book that Y/N found was enough to bore her to sleep, so thats what happened. Her body was sideways on the couch, in a fetal position with the book still in her hands, close to her face. Her nap lasted a solid 45 minutes before the front door creaked open. Y/N was a heavy sleeper and didn't notice the sound. Five, who had just walked in, took off his shoes before glancing at the sleeping girl on the couch.

Softly smiling, he made his way over to her, being careful to not make noise. His hands went under her as he lifted his arms. Now cradling Y/N in his arms, he backed up and slowly walked through the hallway and up the stairs to their shared bedroom. Laying her on the soft bed that she had made beforehand, he began to untie his tie and take off his suit. Just as he was in his undershirt, the girl beside him began to stir and switch her sleeping position before breathing in deeply and opening her eyes.

"Mmm.. Five?" She spoke, almost in a whisper. "You're finally home."

"Mhm. Why didn't you fall asleep in here?" He asked her, curiously.

"I wanted to wait for you. How was work?" She answered.

"Angel, you didn't have to wait for me. Work was fine, I'm sorry I was home late, I had extra paperwork to do." He sat down next to her as she sat up.

"Its okay Five. I made dinner, its downstairs in the microwave, I tried to keep it warm. Do you want me to make you some and bring it up?" She asked as she stood up.

"No, its okay darling, I can get it."

"Okay. I didn't eat yet, I wanted to eat with you." She implied as he looked at her. "Its not the same without you, Fivey." Y/N giggled at the name she had given him. They both stood up and went downstairs to the kitchen to go eat.


Its short, but its honest work 👹
And yeah, ill probably post another chapter today or tomorrow 💕

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