(?) fights

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🤼 < you guys when you fight


uh so this is an entry that you wrote in your diary about your guys' fights


Whenever we would fight, it would be about habits.

Five loves drinking, but he doesn't love when I get upset at him for coming home, knocked out at 2 am.

Countless times I have told him to not go to the bar after work. But when has he ever listened? He drinks to relieve stress and get things off of his mind. His work, as he tells me, is tiring and exhausting.

"Constantly re-heating your food in the microwave so that you won't have to eat cold food when you come home is exhausting, Five."

He nods at your statement, trying to match your feelings.

"I needed to relax. So many customers were calling last night, it was insane. I couldn't even put down the phone before I heard another ring."

"So you could've came home to me, I could give you a massage and we could relax here! Why didn't you even stop by? I missed you like hell." You spit out at him.

It was 2 in the morning and you had heard the front door slam open. "Y/N..." Five yelled out, slurring his words.

He's fucking drunk?

"I don't know! Drinking just helps me!"

"Well it doesn't help me. You told me that we could make dinner together and, you know, do couple things.." I cringed at my words. No wonder he didn't want to come home and hang out with me, I was so clingy!

"Well, I was stressed, and I didn't want to take it out on you when I came home." I figured he would think of some kind of excuse not to see me.

"You didn't even call." I deadpanned and turned to him. "You could've called and told me, Five."

"I'm sorry Y/N."

"You always say that, but you never change!" I began to raise my voice.

"I'm sorry, okay! I won't do it again!" He stood up and raised his voice too.

I didn't want to get into too much detail about our fights, but in a short note; they would get pretty bad. In the end, one of us would leave, and if I left, I would come back to the house being wrecked due to Five's angry breakdown.

I forgot to mention that one of his habits was breaking things when he was angry.

I knew Five would get upset whenever we fought, but it's not like I want him to get upset and break things.

In the end, when I would go back home and forgive him.. It was always because my heart told me to do so, and the first time that happened, I thought to myself;

Do I really love him? Or is this just the feeling of wanting the pleasure to run back into his arms, safely, drenched in his love.. only for him to ruin it again?

I love Five, I love him to death, and I wouldn't ever want to leave him. Would I? It's un-answered. His constant drinking is pushing me over the top, and it's ruining our relationship.

Is he getting stressed by me? Maybe I should just let him go, that's probably why he doesn't want to be around me. 

Honestly, I don't know what to do. If I let him get his ways of drinking, I maybe would have to leave him, and I sure as hell don't want to do that. But if I go my way, what if he leaves me for being toxic and show manipulative over his actions? 

I wasn't sure what would happen, but I knew that I was totally powerless in this situation.


i know this is short, and im sorry, i had to get something out. 

so, i originally made this a preference, but then it morphed into something else? anyways, tell me what you would do in this situation? tbh i dont know what i would do bru. 

i hope you liked this one, and make sure to give me suggestions in the comments! ily sm and i'll see you soooon <3 <3 <3

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