Toxic pt.2 !

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psycho five is here yall 



My feet hit the hard ground at a rapid pace, almost as if I were flying. Unexpected twigs and logs were camouflaged on the ground, causing me to either leap over them or trip.

"Y/N GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" I could hear Five holler as I launched myself farther into the unknown woods. 

"Get away from me you psycho!"  I screamed behind me, not even looking back. As if I had the worst luck, I tripped on a large log once again, and I could feel a rip forming on my knee. My hands hit the cold leafy ground and my head jerked downward. 

"Oh you have not seen psycho, my Y/N."  I whipped my head back up in front of me to find a tired-out Five, with a mad smile. I froze on the ground in front of him. 

He picked up my collar and brought my cold face close to him. He softly kissed my lips. "Now tell me..why did my princess run away?" 

"I-I don't want to be with you, you hurt me and I hate you!" I yelped in his face. His face scrunched up in confusion while he shook his head. 

"I didn't hurt you. I won't hurt you. I won't hurt you for the rest of our lives together. we're going to be together for the rest of our lives. It's what I want."

"Well it isn't what I want. Let me go!" I remarked, trying to yank myself out of his grip.

"No! I don't care about what you want! For 45 years, I have been alone. With no one to love, and you are the only one I want..the only one I need. If I treat you like shit, I don't care, you stay with me."  Five declared. "I love you so.."

"God, you're a psycho.. I wish I never loved you."  His hands on my collar traveled down to my waist, and held a firm grip on it. 

"You don't mean that, you love me.." Five sounded dejected, and his hands squeezed my waist harder. 

"I fucking hate you." As soon as the words left my mouth, Five picked up his fist and punched my mouth. Metal tasting liquid spreading itself out on my tongue. 

Five yelled into my face once again. "You love me!" I swirled my tongue around my mouth and puckered my lips quickly. I spit my warm, blood-red saliva onto his face. His hand, stayed on my waist tightly while his other one reached on his face to wipe it off.

I struggled to get out of his grasp, but soon enough his hand fell loose due to him gagging at the feeling of my blood on his lips. 

"I'll show you a psycho, darling." He pointed to his wrist several times and started counting out loud.

I staggered away from his maniac figure as my legs started to move quicker and quicker. He's a murderer, who knows what he'll do to me. I crossed in swift zig-zags throughout the trees to get him more confused onto where I am. 

After about 30 seconds, an thunderous yell  rang through the woods. I could tell he wasn't far and that he was now coming closer and after me. 

"I'M COMING FOR YOU MY LOVE!"  His voice that used to tell me 'goodnight' and 'i love you' now sounded psychotic. My breaths became ragged and my throat began to hurt and itch because of my immense puffing. 

My footsteps came to an immediate stop when I reached a muddy puddle. I looked up in front of me and saw a large lake about 20 feet away from me. It was nearing the end of October, and it was cold meaning the lake was freezing. But what else could I do? Every single one of the trees looked dead and could snap at any given moment. So I sprinted ahead with all of the strength I had left. 

Needles and pins surrounded my body. The heat coming from me suddenly seemed to leave as my clothes and shoes filled themselves up with water. I swam upward through the freezing depths until my head reached above the surface.

"MY Y/N....WHERE ARE YOU MY GIRL?"  I inhaled strongly once again before sliding myself into the freezing water. My hair was floating and my arms and legs felt close to numb. I could hear Five's faint voice going farther away, I couldn't tell what he was saying though. 

It had been about 45 to 50 seconds and I was desperate to get above the surface, so I swam a bit forward and lifted my head out of the water.

I gasped for breaths as the pound in my head finally let go. My arms paddled above the water as my legs kicked. I looked around myself and found that Five was no where to be found. I slowly made my way to the shore where the water and land met and crawled out. My body was freezing and I was shivering hysterically. 

I laid on the cold ground, but then realized I couldn't be here for too long because, who knew where Five was and what he was capable of doing to me. I forced myself up on my two quivering feet and looked up to find green, piercing, angry eyes staring directly into mine.

"Found you."


hihi ! ok so i woke up this morning and found that people wanted a part two of this. but i was like "Bestie idk what to do" so i started panicking THEN I THOUGHT: "hey, psycho five is fuckin hot right?" yes, yes he is. AND YES i will do a part 3. give me some ideas, i might use yours !!

ok, ty for reading and i love you all so muchhh <3 <3 

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