(I) Perfect

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this is a sad one

requested by one of my good friends on wp: Im_a_really_big_simp

song: Perfect by Ed Sheeran

(y/f/n)= your friends name


I moved closer to my friends, sitting in a big circle, with my 4 other friends. We were playing a classic game of truth or dare.

"Alright, alright..Y/N! Your turn!" (Y/F/N) tried to speak between loud giggles and laughs, coming from me and the rest of the group. I thought for a while before deciding to speak in again.

"Dare..only because I don't want another one of your 'whos your crush' truths." I took a sip of my drink, and a rather big one.

"Okayy...hmmm....how about-" They got interrupted by another one of my friends, whispering an idea in their ear. "Ahh... I see.." They said, giving off an evil smirk. "I dare you, Y/N L/N to sing a song of my choice."

Oh shit.

"And that song IS! Perfect by Ed Sheeran because I know how much you love eddy-weddy." They joked as I stared them blank in the face.

"I mean..a dare is a dare.." I tried to remember the lyrics in my head the best I could, and once I got them, I started.

"I found a love, for me.."

"Darling just dive right in..follow my lead.."

"I found a girl.. beautiful and sweet.."

"Oh I never knew you were the someone, waiting for me..."


Five and I, were laying on the grass in a nearby meadow, the scent of fresh grass filled our senses and birds and crickets chirping. The picnic sheet we were laying on, had an assortment of different flowers and was soft and warm, as if it were just taken out of the dryer. My head in his lap, and his soft fingertips, moving ever so carefully and softly across my face, which he treated as if it were a porcelain doll. In fact, thats what he thought of me, he would tell me everyday.

I suddenly had the urge to do something spontaneous. I was the fun type, always craving adventure and fun.

"Five.." I started softly as he nodded slowly, silently asking me what I wanted. "Could you maybe sing a song for me?" Five let out a small laugh, barely leaving his lips and shook his head.

"No, there is no way I will ever be singing." He stated. I wouldn't let him get off that easily. I wanted to hear him sing, for I never had. I sat up just a little bit, so I could face him and give him my most innocent, sad puppy eyes. I started to see a smile find its way across his mouth, but only a little one. "Don't do that to me.." He mumbled as he looked away, blushing.

"Please? I've never heard you do it. I wont judge you, I swear!" I promised him as I kept on pleading. Eventually, I grew tired and laid back down and turned my head slightly away. I couldn't tell Five was thinking, until he took a deep breath in.

"Okay, come on love, I'll do it." He finally gave in as I perked back up and smiled widely. "But don't make such a big deal about it, I might change my mind." I nodded as he kissed my forehead. I stayed silent, waiting for him to start singing. I didn't actually care if it was bad, I just wanted to hear it.

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