n e way

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I found out the news yesterday.

I couldnt be losing him..not now.

People lose things and its just a part of life.

They grow up and move on.

This..this was something different.

I knew she would have to go soon, and I wish I wouldve spent way more of my time with her.

But now shes gone, destroyed.

I didn't even take any photos of her.

I didn't even spend that much time with her.

She was beautiful.

A weeping willow tree with crushed gravel, bumblebees floating around keeping a calm atmosphere in place.

But that's gone too.

I wonder if they're alright.

I had taken every moment for granted when with her, and when I drove by, she was..demolished..gone out of sight.

There was no bringing her back now.

But I couldn't forget about him.

He's leaving soon too, and I've made so many childhood memories with him.

The tears a wept last night were intense... my nose becoming stuffed as I shifted around my pillow, trying to stop.

I didn't want to lose anything anymore... But maybe it's just because I'm not ready.

I knew this moment would come, I just didn't know they would destroy him whole.

I wanted to keep a part of him.

So I'm visiting him today, like what I should've done because I KNEW, in the back of my mind that she would be going soon.. but in the front of my mind I thought it was glitch in the matrix or something..that sign and fence wasn't real and nobody else but me could see it.

Thats why no one else but me stepped in there!

But no, it was real, alright.

I wanted to keep them.. But how do you keep something when you don't have power over it?

ᴛʜᴀᴛ's ᴏɴᴇ ʙᴀᴅᴀss sᴛᴀᴘʟᴇʀ  [𝚏.𝚑 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜]Where stories live. Discover now