(I) I'm Happy With You

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(F/p)=favorite place 💃

Me and Five have been married for 7 months now, he's so caring and sweet! I couldn't ask for anyone better. Just yesterday we went on a date, and he got me a necklace with y/n + five engraved into it! I promised to wear it everyday.

But he does way too much for me, a week ago, he took me to the most expensive restaurant I've ever seen, we were booked a reservation on an outside deck of the restaurant overlooking the most beautiful view. That had to be an insane amount of money to pay.

But he's been doing that and way more ever since we got married. I don't want him to be spending this much money on me, I know he cares about me, but he doesn't need to express his love in money.

Five pov:

Yesterday, I had gotten my wonderful wife, Y/N a necklace with our names engraved into it. I love her, so much, more than words can say, but I feel like I'm not doing enough for her.

I plan to take her on vacation to (f/p) but when I looked up tickets, they were pretty expensive. Of course, I could just teleport us onto the plane, but then I would probably look like a cheapskate who just uses his powers to get what he wants.

I love her, and I want her to be happy with me, but I've been spending a lot of money, I'm not sure if I can afford this vacation yet, I guess I'll just work extra hours.


y/n pov:

For the past week, Five has been working extra hours at his job and coming home really late. Every time I ask him about why he's working so late, he just ignores the question. But not only is he ignoring my questions but he's ignoring me too.

Since he works so much, I make dinner, do chores around the house, and run errands. When I try to speak to him, he ignores me. When he can't work extra hours at work, he works extra at home, meaning he takes his work home and completes it there.

"Five?" I say, coming in our shared room. "I want to talk with you."

He looks up from his work and says, "What is it?"

"You've just been ignoring me the past week and working extra hours. Is there something you want to tell me?" I said calmly, holding my hands.

"Look Y/n, I don't have the time to-"

"Five you don't have time for anything! All you do is work and you never spend time with me anymore."

"I just need to work these extra hours-"

"Why though?" I said, standing up as he did too.

"Because I do, y/n."

"Five just tell me why you're avoiding me!"

"I am not avoiding you, I'm just very busy and I don't have time!"

"I do everything around here, I make dinner, buy food at the store, run errands, clean the house-"

"And I get the money that we buy things with from my job! Why don't you understand Y/N?"

"I understand that, but we never have time for each other anymore, we only say a few words to each other throughout the day!"

"Maybe you're just too clingy! I wish you would just leave me alone sometimes."

Then it kind of all went quiet, we both stared at each other.

"I wanted to take you to f/p, but I didn't have enough money. I just wanted to make you happy with me. I'm sorry Y/n." He said quietly, looking down at the floor.

I slowly walked over to where he was and picked up his hand.

"Five," I started softly while looking into his emerald eyes. "You don't need to take me to fancy places, or get me expensive jewelry, I'll be happy with you, no matter what we do. I don't even care if we're sitting in the rain, as long as I'm with you, I'm happy." He looked up at me and subtly smiled. "I love you, Five, and I'll love you forever."

"I love you too, Y/N, I just felt like I wasn't doing enough for you."

"Five, you've been doing way too much for me. All I really need is you."

"I didn't mean to say you were clingy, and I don't want you to leave me alone, and I have been working way too much. Do you still want to go to f/p?" He spoke. I didn't want him spending more money on me and getting him back into the habit of spoiling me.

"No, its okay, Five. We can just stay here and take a week or two off of work. How does that sound?" I said with a smile. He smiled back and we hugged each other. He kissed my neck multiple times while repeating, I love you so much, beautiful. "I love you too, Five."


yeah so this is done. swaggy.

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