(I) Murderer

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(Tw: murder, blood)

Finally, I settled myself into the clean sheets I had previously washed. I was waiting for Five to get home, and he said he would be home late because he had extra work to do. I was fine with that, as long as he didn't get home too late.

12 a.m

It's 12 am, and I'm still not asleep. Five would want me to sleep, but I just can't without him. Call me cliche, I know, but its true. I turned my body sideways, trying a new sleeping position, hoping that my eyes would clamp shut and I would drift away somewhere. It didn't happen, no matter how hard I tried.

About 5 minutes passed of me tossing and turning when I heard a similar whoosh sound coming from downstairs. My instincts told me it was Five, and I was excited to walk downstairs with groggy legs and fall into his arms. I slowly maneuvered my legs onto the floor and stood up. I was still in my sleepwear, but I didn't mind and neither would Five. I climbed down the stairs and into the living room. He wasn't there.


I turned and started walking toward the hallway leading to the kitchen. I kept my footsteps quiet, since I wanted to surprise him. The kitchen light was on and I could hear someone taking off a coat or something. I was one foot into the kitchen when my mouth dropped open. I tried to make noise but unfortunately for some reason, nothing came out except for a quiet gasp.

There stood Five, covered in blood, staring right at me.

"Shit.." He mumbled quietly.

I was still shocked that my husband would come home from "work" at 12 am, covered in someones blood, standing in our kitchen.

"What the fuck happened?- Who did you kill?" I flooded him with questions. I knew Five was a murderer, I just never had seen in in this much blood, nor has he murdered ever since we got married. He looked just as shocked as I was.

"Well, I don't have to answer that-"

"Five, you just fucking killed someone, I think I deserve to know." I spoke, placing my left hand on my hip. Five thought and hesitated for a moment, before speaking up and taking off his blood-soaked tie.

"Hmph..you know that, ugly, scrawny guy at your job?" His voice shook. I didn't know who he was talking about, I work with a lot of people. "Y'know, I think his name was like....tony..torby.."

"What kind of name is Torb-" Then it hit me.

Back a while ago, there was this guy named Toby who worked at my job. He would hit on me and try to ask me out on dates until I told him I was getting married. He stopped it for a while, but he started back up again a few days ago.

I had decided to tell Five about this and he was more than furious that Toby started back up again. I thought he would just let it go, but who was I kidding? He's Five Hargreeves.


"Hey Y/N..." Toby slurred, coming up behind me.

"What do you want, Toby?" I asked, clearly annoyed. He slipped his hand into mine softly as I shook it off.

"I want you to come over for a date." He tried putting his hand on my waist before I slapped it.

"I can't." I told him fiercely like I did for the past few months he had been trying to get with me.

"It better not be because of the stupid guy with the weird ass name." The was a profound silence for a few seconds before I .

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