(I) Marshmallows and Kisses

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This is before Five left 🪂 also yall arent dating yet
Also this ones for you because i felt bad that i tricked you lol l_isasimp

The clock read 12:03 am, and unfortunately for Y/N, she couldn't sleep. She tried everything, meditation, water, and even affirming to herself that she was asleep. But no, here she was, looking at her clock as it ticked by. All of a sudden, she felt slight discomfort coming from her stomach, signaling that she was hungry, so she stood up and made her way out of the dark room.

The floorboards creaked and groaned with every few steps she took, although she was being careful. Finally, she reached the staircase, and began to place one foot in front of the other on each step. The staircase wasn't as creaky as the floorboards back upstairs, but they weren't exactly silent, either. When she reached the last step, she jumped down with a small slap from her feet hitting the floor as she silently walked to the kitchen.

Y/N moved her hand softly against the wall next to her, trying to find the light switch.

"Ah." She whispered to herself as she found it and flipped on a small light. A pale yellow gleam stretched out across the floor as she tip-toed toward the cabinets and opened each one trying to find something to satisfy her midnight hunger.

"Marshmallows...mmm." She spoke to herself once again. She reached for the bag of marshmallows and brought them down, hugging them to her chest and spinning around. Right after, she heard a loud bang from behind her, causing her to let out a small shriek.

"AHH! Son of a bitch!" She yelled out, only for a few seconds later for her to realize what she just did.

"Shit..." She rushed to pick up the coffee tin, with the marshmallows under her arm, when she suddenly heard a noise behind her, causing her to shriek again.

"WHAT THE F-" She screamed as she turned around, revealing a confused and tired Five. "Oh, hey Five." She said, as if nothing happened before.

"Good morning Y/N, may I ask what you're doing?" Five said in his snarky tone.

"I was just..hungry," she spoke, holding up the bag of marshmallows for him to see. "Want some?" Five nodded slowly as he stepped toward her.

"Why were you being so loud? Marshmallows are fluffy and airy, not hard and loud." Five informed as Y/N hopped up on one of the counters and started to eat the treat.

"Yeah, they are, but some idiot decided to place the coffee tin right next to it." She said, looking at Five and smirking, knowing it was him. "I'm joking, you aren't an idiot."

"I know I'm not."

Five climbed up next to Y/N as he dug his hand inside the bag and grabbed a few marshmallows, shoving them into his mouth as Y/N did the same. The silence continued on for a few minutes before Five stepped down.

"Y/N, we should get to sleep."

"That's exactly why I'm here, I can't sleep, I've tried everything and I just cant fall asleep. Oh and I was hungry." Y/N retorted. Five simply nodded as he stood in front of Y/N, sort of in between her legs. Y/N couldn't help but think he was insanely cute at the moment, his hair was a bit ruffled, his eyes were relaxed and his lips looked so soft. They probably were. Y/N dreamt every night about kissing Five, being with him, but little did she know, Five dreamt the same.

"Y/N," Five spoke, snapping Y/N out of her thoughts.


Five gulped before speaking again.
"Do you.. maybe want to sleep in my room tonight?" Y/N swore she saw a dark shade of blush arise from his soft cheeks.

"You'd do that?" Y/N asked softly to the boy in front of her.

"For you, yes."

That was when it happened. Y/N didn't know what overtook her but sone part of her was screaming for her to grab his face and smash his soft lips onto hers.

She quickly placed her hands on either sides of his cheeks and pulled his face in as she leant down. Their lips met, combining their love for each other. Fives hands mindlessly found their way to Y/N's waist as they both closed their eyes. Their noses were softly touching, even though their heads were slightly cocked to the side. Y/N caressed Fives face with her right hand, as her left sat on his shoulder, holding his neck. Their lips moved simultaneously, pressing against each other, then re-positioning themselves again.

A few minutes passed before Y/N pulled away with swollen lips. Fives eyes were full of excitement, joy and love, and a smile started to form upon his face. "Y/N..." he started to speak as his hands traveled down to her hips and back up to caress her smooth cheeks and face. "I love you."

"I love you too, Number Five." Y/N replied, softly as she pecked the boys lips again, before hopping down and grabbing his hand.

"I would love to sleep in your room tonight, however.."

"I know Y/N, we're only 13, we aren't going to have sex." Five said, rolling his eyes as he spatial jumped both himself and Y/N into his room.

They both laid down on his bed, already warm due to him sleeping peacefully in it before he woke up. Y/N turned toward Five before kissing him lovingly on the lips and saying, "Thank you for letting me sleep in your room tonight."

"It's an honor, Eight." Five kissed her on the forehead multiple times before cuddling up to her and dozing off. But not for too long...

"Wait did we put the marshmallows away?"


A/N: ok I got this idea while I was in the shower YESTERDAY and I was like I'll write it down when I get out and ofc I didn't and I DIDNT REMEMBER THIS IDEA UNTIL I WAS WATCHING THE WALTEN FILES TODAY 🤸‍♀️🕳
If you're going to watch the walten files, I. Will. Cuddle. With. You. 😡🥰

And quick question:
If you were Number Eight in the Umbrella Academy, which superpower would you want?
My answer: idk thats why im asking you lol

ANYWAY thank you for reading againn ilysm dont forget!!! 💕💕

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