(I) Number Eight

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lowkey sad

This takes place before Five runs away

(y/h/t)= your hometown

(A/N: I dont actually know where the umbrella academy mansion is so im just gonna say New York😭😭)

Y/N pov:

As far as I thought, I was ordinary, boring, normal, you might say. I had nothing special, but it was strange knowing that I was born October 1st, 1989. My mother wasn't pregnant before I came out, yet my parents still tell me I'm normal.

Well, I don't think that. I think I have superpowers, just like the Umbrella Academy. Of course, I don't exactly know what my powers are, I just know I have them. So today, I am taking the train to the Umbrella Academy in New York.

My parents weren't exactly abusive, but they weren't your average loving parents. From my eyes, they didn't care about me. I've seen countless television shows, movies and books to know that my parents didn't act like normal parents. They act like I'm not even there, and if I'm lucky, they might even speak a few sentences to me. In my entire lifetime, I have never heard the three words that everyone yearns to hear. I love you. Now, I tell myself this all the time to keep myself from doing anything I would regret later, and to make myself feel something..feel loved..a feeling I've been longing for all my life.

I packed my bags, and have everything ready. I just called a taxi to meet me at my neighborhood park nearby. My parents don't know I'm leaving, and if they found out, they would seal my windows shut and probably place a tracker in my arm. Maybe I was over-exaggerating, but I know for a fact they would do something like that.

"Mom! Dad! I'm going to the park!" I yelled out, waiting for a response. Soon enough, I could hear a small grumble, not too far away, accepting that I wouldn't be missed.

I nodded silently, not knowing when I was going to be back. Reluctantly, I opened the door behind me, and stepped out.


My shoes hit the pavement, causing a hard stomping sound to erupt. I looked up at the yellow car about 5 feet away from me. The driver waved and smiled at me to step inside, so I pulled on the car handle, and slid myself onto the grey leather car seats.

The ride was nothing unusual, it was like at home. A little bit of small talk was made, just him asking me how my day was and myself answering back politely. But after I stepped out of the car, he decided to open his mouth again.

"Hey kid, do you have parents?" He asked in a gravelly voice.

"Well, yes, I'm just going to my other parents house." I lied quickly. He nodded and mumbled something before he drove off. I know that was a stupid lie, but I had to think of something quick on the spot.

So there I was, a runaway. What the hell was I thinking? I really thought Sir Reginald Hargreeves would adopt me? Screw it, theres no going back, I can't chicken out now. I looked at the large sign of times in front of me.

New York - 1:15 pm

I checked my wrist watch, already knowing it was 1:02, remembering myself checking it every few minutes to make sure I wasn't running late. I looked at the train tracks. I was going to miss my parents, yes, but again they weren't the greatest people.

When the train finally arrived on the tracks, a wave of guilt ran through me. My gut told me to turn around and go back home, but I was determined to try. I perked up when the harsh noise of the train doors opening, inviting me in with a metal grunt. My legs felt like somewhat jelly, and were shaking as if I had ran 10 miles. I had forced myself to climb the steps and find a place to sit. The chair I had sat down in was blue, and very itchy. About 10 or 15 minutes passed, and the train had finally started moving. I figured I would at least try to get some sleep, I needed to calm my anxiety down before actually facing what made me anxious.

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