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As soon as Danny kissed her goodbye and left, Linda stared straight at Erin. "I'd appreciate it if you stopped blaming Danny."

"Blaming Dad for what?" Jack asked, wanting so badly to know what was going on.

"Upstairs," she told her son. "You too, Sean. Go."

Jack wanted to argue, but he could tell by his Mom's voice it was not the time to argue. He and Sean left the room, quietly asking each other what was happening.

"It was Danny's fault-"

"How? How was it his fault? What was he going to do? Leave Nicky at the restaurant?"


"Did he stuck a gun to her head and force her out of the car?"

"Come on, Linda, don't be stupid." Erin rolled her eyes.

"Did he throw her into the crime scene?"


"Lemme see if I got this straight..."

Jamie and Henry exchange a look, wondering which lady would win this argument. Erin had logic on her side, but Linda had anger and rage.

"Nicky got out of the car, by herself, after Danny told her to stay put. Right?"

"You know that's the story."

"Then tell me- please- how was it Danny's fault? Nicky disobeyed a direct order, and some how that's my husband's fault?"

"He shouldn't have brought her to the crime scene!" Erin's voice was annoyed.

Linda's voice was angry, "she shouldn't have disobeyed!" She stood up and walked out of the room, avoiding her niece in the kitchen. She mumbled something about her sister in law and her niece being 'stuck up self-centered brats'.

She retreated to the sunroom with her glass of wine, and dramatically sat on the sofa. She didn't look up when she heard Henry's footsteps stop at the door. "I wish everyone would stop blaming Danny. He didn't do anything!"

"It's easier to blame someone else."

"Oh, there's the answer I wanted!" She sarcastically spat, shaking her head in annoyance.

"Erin and Nicky are having a tough time-"

"And Danny isn't?"

"Give her some slack."

"I'll give her some slack when she stops blaming everything on her brother- my husband!"

Henry sighed and walked away, leaving Linda alone with her anger. He knew she'd stop being mad at Erin in a day or two.

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