Fighting for Food

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(A/N: This might ruin a bit of the story if you think the humans won't talk in this fanfiction. But me being a dumb idiot, Redwood is going to be the only human who gets speaking lines in this story, (she has a voice claim for a reason). So if you want an Ice Age fanfic with no talking humans, then look somewhere else because at least one of them is going to be talking in here).

Enjoy the chapter.


During the walk, Avery started a conversation with Sid and got to learn a few things about them. The saber-tooth's name was Diego and the baby was given to them by his dying mother (which was pretty dark). He also explained a bit about himself and Manny.

Eventually, he stopped talking and became the one to ask questions next. "So, how about you? Where did you find your human?"

"I didn't find her. It was more like, I grew up with her and the humans she lived with.... but they disappeared somehow a day after she turned 6 years old and we're trying to find them. Or at least other humans". Avery answered.

"So, you lived with humans? You didn't have a family of your own?"

"I don't know. But at the same time, I don't really care. I lived with people who cared for me and that should be enough if I'm honest".

Before Sid could ask another question, the baby started crying. At first, everyone's first response was to ignore him and let the crying die out. But unfortunately, it went on and on for a while. And eventually, everyone was annoyed and tired of hearing him.

"Oh, you gotta make it stop. I can't take it anymore!" Manny said.

"I've eaten things that didn't complain this much!" Diego mentioned.

"He wouldn't stop squirming". Sid said as he was holding the baby upside-down, which worried Avery a bit.

"You're holding him wrong!" she yelled.

"Watch his head!" Manny said.

"Just put it down!" Diego tells him.

"Jeez, 'pick him up, put him down...'" Sid mutters as he placed the baby on top of a rock.

"Its nose is dry", Diego says.

"That means there's something wrong with him". Sid says.

"Someone should lick it, just in case".

"I'll do it".

Avery sighs and stops Sid. "None of you know how humans work, do you? You can clearly see he's wearing one of those human baby thingies".

"So?" Sid turns to her.

"So, if he poops, where do you think it goes?"

Sid slips his tongue back into his mouth as the others give disgusted expressions. After a slight pause, the baby resumes crying. "Humans are disgusting". Sid states.

"Okay, you. Check for poop". Manny points at Sid.

"Hey, why am I the poop-checker?"

Manny leans closer to Sid as he explains each reason. "Because returning the runt was your idea, because you're small and insignificant, and because I'll pummel you if you don't".

"Why else?"


Sid walks back to the baby and starts changing his diaper. "EW! YUCK! EW! I mean, my goodness. Alright, look out, look out, look out, coming through".

Sid begins swinging around the diaper and everyone else tries to avoid it, thinking that it's full.

"Hey, watch out!"

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