Stopping for a Rest

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Later that night, under the starry sky, Sid wandered off to find food for himself. "Now to find a meal befitting a conquering hero". Sid lets go of the branch but hits him to the ground but he gets up. "What ho? A foe? Come on, come on. You want a piece of me?"

Sid uses karate sounds and hits the tree but found an acorn. "Spoils worthy of such a noble-" Sid was about to eat it but as the acorn was about land, something came flying into Sid and grabbed the acorn It was Scrat! After a brief struggle, Scrat took the acorn out of Sid's mouth and started scurrying away, but not before shaking his fist at Sid for nearly taking away his acorn.


"Bedtime, squirt". Manny tuck the baby in his trunk and settled himself in as he did, he looked at the human girl, who was asleep near Diego. He then looked toward Avery, who walked over to tuck her in.

This time was as good as any to talk about what happened earlier. "So, what was that earlier? With her speaking?" Manny asked Avery.

The weasel looked at Manny and then back to the human girl. "She was always able to talk", she answered.

"So why didn't she?"

"Humans are different from us mammals. They have their own language and don't really understand ours. Believe me, I've been around them long enough to know they couldn't understand a word I was saying".

"But how did she learn?"

"This one taught her" Avery pointed at herself, looking proud. "It took a while but she started to understand. The only reason she doesn't speak now is because she doesn't really like you guys. You, she's getting used to. Sid, she was fine with him from the start. But Diego, uh..."

Avery looked toward Diego and frowned. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's never going to be close with him".

"That makes a lot of sense" Manny commented before he noticed Sid returning. "Oh, the triumphant return".

"Huh? Oh, that". Sid laughs nervously. "I'm so full. Uh, anyway what were you guys talking about before I got here?"

"It was about Redwood and her speaking" Avery answered.

"Who?" Sid asked.

"That's her name. Redwood." Avery gestures to the human girl. "Before you ask, I didn't name her, her parents did. I should've told you before but I'll do that tomorrow". Avery walked toward the human girl, now named Redwood, and laid down in a sleeping position. "Night boys".

"How about a good night kiss for your big buddy Sid..." Sid asked, turning to Manny.

"Shh! They're asleep". Manny said, assuming he was talking about the humans.

"I was talking to you". Sid clarified, causing Manny to give a disgusted look on Sid as he prepared to dust off the rock to sleep. "Fine, I'll tuck myself in". Sid reclines on the rock; making moans and groans of relaxation and yawning. "All right... Good Night..."

He flops on the rock, then turns over. As he's turning over and over, Manny becomes slightly irritated as he watches Sid quirk around on the rock groaning. Sid is then lying on the rock on his back and his head lolling off the rock while talking in his sleep. He shuffles his body counter-clockwise towards the front of the rock, making fizzing noises with his teeth and tongue, and flops on his side. He suddenly jerks his arm and head up and down and loudly groans.

Manny shouts angrily; startling Sid. "WILL YOU STOP IT!"

"All right, All right, jeez... I was just trying to relax". Sid said sheepishly as he finds a comfortable spot on the rock and begins to suck his thumb.

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