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(A/N: I'm baaaaaaaack!! School's done so now get ready for more chapters!

If you're all wondering too, then head to the end of the chapter to get a short description, along with the voice claim for the new OC)


"HOW BIG IS THIS OCEAN?!" Manny screamed.

"Uuuugggghhhh! It's been hours! When are we gonna see some land?" Redwood groaned.

Sid, while on his back, slid closer to the edge near the water. "Water, water, everywhere. Nor any drops to drink... Well, except maybe that drop". He sat up and dunk his head in the ocean to take a drink. Though the taste made his face scrunch up. "Hm, that's a little... salty."

As for Granny, she was walking around their iceberg, calling out for her pet, and Manny had to stop her from falling into the ocean a couple of times.

"Precious! Mommy's calling you. Precious! Come here, sweetie. Hey, lady, have you seen Precious?" She asked Diego.

"If you mean the imaginary, or perhaps deceased pet that you keep searching for, no! I haven't." He said in annoyance.

Redwood shook her head before suddenly hearing a noise. And not just any noise, but a bird noise. She looked up and saw a seagull flying near them. "Hey, guys! Where there's birds, there's land, right?"

The others saw the seagull as well and Diego tried to get its attention. "Hey, buddy, come here!"

Instead of listening, the seagull flew away once it heard him.

"No, wait, wait! Come back! Come back!" Manny called out to it.

Unbeknownst to the herd, as soon as the bird was out of their view, it flew to another area where a mysterious figure was waiting for it. It then landed right next to the figure and reported what it saw to him. "It's a huge bounty, mon capitaine. Five passengers. Ripe for the taking. One very smelly, and one very plump".

"In my ocean? What a terrible turn of events. I love a terrible turn of events", the figure laughed sinisterly.

Back to the herd, Diego looked in the direction the seagull went. It was pretty foggy so he had to squint to get a better look. And what he saw was a giant iceberg heading their way.

"Am I hallucinating or is that ice coming straight towards us?" He asked the others.

"Yeah, yeah, it's coming! It sounds like there's animals on it!" Exclaimed Manny.

"Yippee! We're being rescued! We're being rescued!" Side cheered while dancing.

"I also hear laughter", Redwood added.

"Ooh, must be a party cruise." Sid smiled.

Suddenly, a skull with a rope tied to it was thrown and landed right next to Sid, the teeth digging into the ice. More skulls were then thrown from the giant ice, landing on the group's iceberg and pulling itself closer to it.

Now getting a better look, the ice heading towards them looked more like a huge scary-looking ship, with rats crawling on it and everything. The herd didn't know what to think of this or where this was gonna lead to, but they were desperate, so they might as well see.

Once the ship was close enough, a seal popped up and smiled at the herd. "Hey, they look fluffy."

More animals started appearing and looking down on the herd.

"I get the big wooly one".

From left to right, there was a kangaroo, a badger, a warthog, a seagull, a speedy rabbit, and a female saber.

The Herd's Growing Family (Ice Age)Where stories live. Discover now