The Ice is Melting

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(A/N: Let's allow the sequel to begin. Also, expect Redwood to speak a bit more. Enjoy the chapter.)


At the bottom of the white cliff, there's a bunch of prehistoric animals having fun at their waterpark, made out of ice formations. A male start is sitting in the shade on an ice formation while a female start is sitting in the sun. "Oy, this global warming is killing me!"

"This is too hot, the ice age was too cold. What would it take to make you happy?" The female start saying before falling into the water.

"This, I like", The male started to smile.

A stag slides down an ice slide. As he reached the bottom, a beaver lands on his antlers, causing him to yell out in pain. Nearby, a group of Baptornis slides down an ice slide into a pool of water where they see piranhas swimming and chase after them, attempting to eat them. A shovelmouth calf lands in the water and swims to the surface.

Up above, a turtle and a beaver slide down an ice slide into the water but a freaky mammal gets stuck at the bottom, causing a pileup that sends him skidding into the Baptornis, knocking them over like pins.

Meanwhile, a baby turtle slides into a pool of water. A baby beaver is building a dam when a baby aardvark and a baby start running through it, destroying it and causing the baby beaver to cry.

Sid then blows into a shell to get their attention. "No running, James. Camp rules".

A female sloth looks at him lovingly because the ice that Sid is behind makes him look muscular.

James, the baby aardvark, then stops and glares at Sid. "Make me, sloth".

"Make me, sir!" Sid walks out from behind the ice and turns to the female sloth. "It's all about respect".

She gets grossed out by Sid's real appearance and walks away. A baby start stops by a pool and James gets on her back and jumps in.

"Jared, you just ate! Wait an hour! Hector, no, no, no, you can't pee-pee there!" Sid recoils in disgust. "Okay, there is fine! Ashley, stop picking your..." He's suddenly dragged into the air by a vine around his foot. Baby animals surround him with one of them holding a stick.

"Piñata!" They cheered.

"Stop! You're supposed to wear blindfolds!" Sid tells them.

"Okay", a beaver covers his eyes and hits once.

"It's my turn to hit Sid!" The kids go back and forth on who should hit Sid next, (while actually hitting him). And Sid is swung over to the beaver kid, who hits him hard and sends him flying and landing on the ground.

The baby animal runs over to Sid while cheering, only to be disappointed when they realize he has no candy in him. One of them then suggests burying him.

They push Sid into a hole and the baby beaver jumps up and down on his head, pushing him further in until they're stopped.

"Hey, hey! Whoa! Who said you kids could torture the sloth?", Manny says, walking over to them.

"Manny, don't squash their creativity". Diego tells him.

"Yeah, they're just having a bit of fun. Nothing harmful... for them at least". Avery agrees.

"Hey, Manny, Diego, Avery. My bad mammal jammals. Wanna give a sloth a hand?"

Manny uses his trunk to get Sid out of the ground. "Hey Sid, where's Redwood? You said you were watching her", Avery asked.

"Oh, she's right... uh..." Sid looks around but doesn't see the child anywhere. "She was here".

"Incoming!" Redwood yells as she slides toward the herd on a big piece of ice. She zooms right past them and lands straight into the water. Not more than 4 seconds later, she climbs out of the water with a smile on her face. "That was fun!"

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