Exploring the Cave

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(A/N: Here is my favorite scene in the whole movie. Enjoy the chapter.)


As the herd walks through the icy cave, Diego gives them a warning. "Come on, guys. Stick together. It is easy to get lost in here".

Sid, ignoring Diego and focusing on the ice formations, hits his nose really hard on a slab of ice and he falls to the ground, unconscious. Unbeknownst to him, his tongue, which had flopped out of his mouth when knocked himself out, had stuck to the ice floor.

A few seconds later, he feels woozy and tries to get up but his tongue is stuck. Once he tries to pull it off and gets free, he stands up and looks around for his friends.

He ends up in another part of the cave where there seems to be animals trapped in see-through ice. Sid screams when he finds a creepy-looking fish. "Heh-heh, a fish". He laughs it off before screaming again after he looks at the dinosaur, he then looks at his frozen ancestors. Sid eventually regroups with his friends.

Redwood pauses for a few seconds and finds a spear sticking out in the ice above her head. She remembered what Manny said about her being threatening and telling Avery that she needs to learn how to fight, so maybe a spear would help her out.

She tries jumping multiple times to grab the spear but wasn't able to get it. She tried again and this time she grabbed it. But she looked down to see that Sid was helping by holding her up. She smiled at him before pulling the spear out of the ice.

Once Sid put her down, she tried doing a few fighting moves with the spear before running back to the group and showing them her new weapon, to which they were surprised that she was able to find one. She then climbed on Manny's back and showed it to the baby, responsibly.

The herd then passed by a big spaceship, to which the baby looked at it and makes a Spock hand figure. "Ba".

Sid catches up with the group and Manny turns to him. "Will you keep up please? It's hard enough to keep a track of two children".

However, both the baby and Redwood ended up sliding on some ice that was above Manny. They kept sliding until they both were dropped out of sight. All the mammals screamed and looked in the hole they were dropped in, Redwood was holding the baby tight as they were both sliding at high speed.

"Come on!" Avery told them as they all jumped in after the kids. They went sliding through the iced caves and into a large cavern, where they all went into four different tunnels, with Sid being the one who was in the same one as the kids. Redwood held the baby closer and tried to reach for Sid, but they got separated when Sid fell into a hole that was under him. He ended up regrouping with Manny, Diego (who fell from a hole in the ceiling), and Avery.

They all saw (or what they thought) an iceberg ahead and panicked, only for them to slide onto it. It broke off and fell on the ice slide that was below them. After avoiding a bunch of ice spikes from the ground, the group ended up on a series of slides that were near the kids. They were so close to getting them until the slide the kids were on sent them into the air.

As this was happening, Sid, Diego, and Avery smashed through an ice wall which was also a dead end for the ice slides. Meanwhile, Manny managed to catch both the kids before crashing into the wall, causing a lot of snow to fall around them.

Once the snow cleared, the herd had tired faces and snow in their hair, aside from Diego and Avery, who popped out of the snow feeling pumped and energized.

"WOO! That was amazing!" Avery shouted.

"WHOA! WOO! YEAH! Who's up for round 2?!" Diego yelled before he and Avery turned to the rest of the group, who angrily stare at them. "Oh. T-t-tell the kids to be more careful".

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