The Flood

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Manny, Crash, Eddie, Sid, Diego, Avery, and Redwood ran to where Ellie was trapped, and as they saw the cave, they look to see the flood heading their way.

"We've gotta hurry!" Avery exclaims.

They hurry on towards the cave as the flood continues swallowing everything in its path. A large rock then falls in front of Manny, Crash, and Eddie, causing them to stop.

As they looked toward the cave, they saw a huge tidal wave soaring above it. They run towards the cave but the flood caused the bridge they were on to collapse, making Manny, Crash, Eddie, and Avery fall into the water. The others looked around for them in worry.

Meanwhile, Ellie felt the water beneath her feet and worries as it starts to flood the cave she was trapped in.

Back with the others, Avery, Crash, and Eddie climb onto a tree branch for safety and Manny resurfaced before seeing the cave ahead. He then grabs a floating log and swims to the cave's entrance before putting it into a hole in the rocks.

"Ellie!" Manny calls out.

Ellie was surprised to hear his voice on the other side. "Manny?!"

Manny tries to use the log to open the cave.

Meanwhile, Avery, Crash, and Eddie were struggling to hang on to the branch over the water.

"Help!" Crash yells.

"I'll save you!" Sid jumps off the rock he and the others are standing on. However before he reaches the water, he hits a piece of ice, splitting it in two and knocking himself out before sliding into the water.

"Great. Who's going to save him?" Avery facepalms.

She, Crash, and Eddie grab Sid by his mouth and hold on before he can float further into the water.

"You really need to brush". Eddie comments.

Diego looks anxious at the situation but snaps out of it when he sees Redwood about to jump into the water. "Redwood! No!"

"We have to do something!" She tells him. "I know you're still afraid of the water and I'm not going to let my friends drown!"

She gets herself ready to swim in the water but stops as she notices Diego walk next to her and go near the edge.

"OK, OK, buddy. Jump in, now!" The saber speaks to himself as he tries to build up the courage to go into the water and help his friends. But the more he looks at the running water and how it's getting higher, the less confident he starts to feel. "Come on, fraidy cat. Come on. You can do this. You can do this. You can do this".

"Help!" Crash and Eddie yell as Sid starts slipping from their grip.

"Anytime now guys!" Avery shouts, using one hand to hold onto the branch and the other to hold the possums by their tails.

"Come on, Diego! You got this!" Redwood tries to encourage him. "I know you got this! Just remember what Sid told you before!"

Diego does so and says them out loud. "Trust your instincts! Attack the water! I am not your prey! I am not your prey! I AM NOT YOUR PREY!" He yells as he jumps into the water and swam up to the surface, with Redwood jumping in afterward.

While Manny and Ellie struggle to get the rock out of the way, Avery, Crash, and Eddie are still holding onto Sid and the tree as the water gets higher. Diego struggles to keep above the surface and Redwood swims by him.

"Attack the water! Stalk the prey!" Diego says to himself. "Claw, kick. Even babies can do it! Come on! Claw, kick, claw, kick!" He then starts getting the hang of it and actually begins to swim. "Hey, I'm stalking the prey!"

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