Going Their Separate Ways

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Later, the group is walking up a hill, and Sid continues singing the vultures' song.

Sid: ♫ Food, glorious food~ ♫

"Sid!" Everyone interrupts him.

"What? It's catchy".

"Hey guys, look!" Redwood, who was ahead of them, pointed towards something.

As the others made it to the top of the hill, they looked to see that Redwood was pointing to a giant tree bark on top of a rocky fountain in the distance.

"We made it". Diego said, relieved.

"Yeah, we showed those scary vultures!", Sid cheered.

Everyone else started cheering happily at the fact that they'll all soon be safe.

Manny and Ellie, who were both laughing, leaned against each other and then pulls back, feeling awkward.

Then the distant sound of the dam breaking more makes them look worried as they know that they don't have much time left. Ellie started to move forward but then something burst up in front of her, making her scream and back up.

Crash and Eddie also freak out and ran to hide behind Ellie for protection. Everyone looks at the geysers bursting between them and the boat.

"That must be the geyser fields that the vulture told us about". Redwood says, remembering the warning from a few days ago.

"We'd better watch our step when we go through that", Avery tells the herd.

"Oh, it's just a little hot water and steam. How bad can it be?" Sid says.

A dodo then walks by and gets flung into the air by a geyser, and when it falls back down, it turns into a roasted chicken.

Sid then regrets what he said. "I just did something involuntary and messy".

"OK, come on". Manny disregards the danger and moves forward but a geyser burst up in front of him and he quickly steps back.

"Manny, get back! It's a minefield out there!" Diego calls out to him.

"There's only one way to go! Straight through!" Manny responds.

"What?!" Redwood exclaims in fear.

"Straight through?! We'd like to keep the fur on our bodies, thank you. We'll go back, then we'll go around. That's safer". Ellie suggests.

"No, no!" Manny disagrees. "There's no time, the dam will burst before we make it. We'll drown!"

"If we go through this, we get blown to bits!"

"We go forward!"

"We go back!"





Diego interrupts the two mammoths. "Can I say something?"

"NO!" They both yell at him.

Manny then turns back to Ellie. "You are so stubborn and hard-headed!"

"Well, I guess that proves it! I am a mammoth! Come on!" She picks up Crash and Eddie with her trunk and puts them on her back as she leaves the others behind.

"Fine!" Manny walks on into the geyser field, and Sid, Diego, Avery, and Redwood follow him shortly after.

"I don't know. Drowning sounds like a much gentler way to go. To be blown to bits sounds so sudden". Sid worries.

The Herd's Growing Family (Ice Age)Where stories live. Discover now