The Island

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(A/N: I'm extremely sorry for the long wait. I have no excuse, only shame 😢. Also one of the scenes is playing out a little differently here... more so than usual... just a heads up.

BTW, I got some fanart from {{anonymous}} who gave me permission to show it here. And I gotta say, I really like how it looks. (And if the artist is reading this, I just wanna say, great job & you're awesome👍)

Redwood's designs (ages 6, 10, 14, & 17-18) all look so amazing [my baby is growing up 🥹]

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Redwood's designs (ages 6, 10, 14, & 17-18) all look so amazing [my baby is growing up 🥹]. Coral looks super cool [the outfit suits her so well]. As for the 3rd guy... well, just read the chapter to know who he is. I might also put this image in the 1st chapter when I'm done with the story).


As we enter the next day, Manny and the others remain floating in the sea. The iceberg they were on seemed to be getting smaller by the minute; melting away as time passed.

Shira and Coral weren't happy about having to be stuck with the herd for a while, but honestly, what else could they do? They had no way of finding where Gutt was and any other idea they could have wasn't going to work due to being in the middle of the freaking ocean. All they could do was wait until they spotted some land to make their move.

Meanwhile, Granny struggles to eat a huge clam and Sid sits near the edge of the iceberg. After a few failed attempts, Granny just passes the clam to Sid for help. "Hey, chew this sandwich for me".

Sid takes the clam but then asks something that's been bugging him for a while. "Granny, why didn't our family want us? What's wrong with us?"

"They think we're screw-ups and we can't do anything right", She responds.

Coral, who was close enough to hear them, talks to Sid and Granny in a rude tone. "Well, they're not wrong. With all the damage you've done to our ship, I'd say they were right to leave you behind. Heck, Gutt should've done the same so this wouldn't happen".

"Shut it, sea rat! Nobody asked you!" Redwood hissed at her before turning to Sid. "Don't listen to her, Sid. You aren't a screw-up. Sure, you make mistakes... sometimes ones that are bigger than others, but your enthusiasm makes up for it".

Sid smiles at her for trying to cheer him up, just as Coral rolls her eyes. She didn't understand why Redwood acted this way towards these mammals as if they were her friends. Despite being around the pirates for a long time, Coral has never acted all chummy with them. There were a few exceptions where she did, but she never made it too personal. She had her reasons, and she planned on sticking to them.

Meanwhile, Sid was able to open up the clam for Granny, only to find Scrat in there. The two scream in surprise at each other before Granny decided to beat Scrat with her cane.

"It's a rat!" She hit him a couple of times before he was knocked unconscious and landed in the water. Immediately afterwards, the clam shut itself on Sid's hand, causing him to yell in pain while trying to get it off.

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