♫ Food, Glorious Food ♫

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The next day, Redwood is the first one to wake up. She rubs her eyes before noticing that her feet felt wet. She looked at them to see that her feet were in a small body of water that was near the herd. Feeling surprised, she nudges Diego a bit. "Wake up! You guys need to see this!"

"Ugh, what?" Diego calmly wakes up and stretches a bit as he yawns, only to feel water beneath his paws. "Water? Water!" He jumps onto Manny in fright, which makes him wake up, feeling startled.

He stumbles back and bumps into the tree, knocking Ellie, Crash, and Eddie down into the water. Avery then woke up after hearing the abrupt loud noises.

Eddie looks around at the water before talking to his brother. "Crash, I told you not to drink before bed".

"I didn't do this!... At least not all of it". Crash says.

"What's happening?" Ellie questioned.

"We overslept. We need to move". Manny tells everyone.

"It's been three days and the dam's getting weaker by the second", Avery then realizes. "Today's the day it breaks!"

"What if we're the last creatures left alive?" Eddie asks, feeling a bit scared. "We'll have to repopulate the Earth!"

"How? Everyone's either a dude, a minor, or our sister". Crash points out before looking at Avery, who gave the possums a look that said 'don't even think about it'.

"Plus I don't think Avery is interested in us". Crash finishes.

Just then, Sid came walking through the trees. "Oh, hey. Hey, guys. Wow, what a night. You'II never guess what happened to me".

"I'm going out on a limb here and say you were sleepwalking". Diego says.

"Oh, no, no. I was kidnapped by a tribe of mini sloths". Sid shows how tall the Mini Sloths were with his hands.

"That was going to be my second guess".

"And they worship me! I mean, sure they toss me into a flaming tar pit but they worship me!"

Manny doesn't believe him. "Sid, you were dreaming. Come on, the water's rising faster than we're moving".

"But I'm telling you, I was kidnapped. I was... I was worshipped. Guys!" Sid gave up on trying to convince them as they started walking. "Oh, fine".

*A Few Moments Later*

The group passes through a gorge with dead trees and Sid starts getting tired. "Just can we slow down a little? I'm dying here". He then looks up to see two vultures watching him from a tree. "It was just a figure of speech!"

He runs to catch up with the others who find themselves surrounded by more vultures, which makes them uneasy and frightened.

Avery looks at the vultures nervously. "Why do I get a strange bad feeling about this?"

"They just sit there, watching us". Manny says, feeling a bit anxious.

"I wish I know what they're thinking". Sid told him.

One of the vultures, (who was named The Lone Gunslinger) glares at the herd and starts... singing?

The Lone Gunslinger: ♫ Food, glorious food...~♫
♫ We're anxious to try it ♫

Another vulture comes in and starts singing too.

Female vulture: ♫ Three banquets a day~ ♫
♫ Our favorite diet ♫

Vulture chick: ♫ Just picture a mammoth steak ♫
♫ Fried, roasted, or stewed~ ♫

All Vultures: ♫ Oh, food, wonderful food ♫
♫ Marvelous food ♫
♫ Glorious food~ ♫

As the song continues, the herd tries their best to get away from the area.

All Vultures: ♫ Food, glorious food~ 

Vulture #1: ♫ Poached possum served flambé ♫

Crash and Eddie play dead again before Ellie can get them away from one of the vultures.

Vulture #2: ♫ Broth made from a sloth~ ♫

Sid is trying his best to run away but falls into a pit of mud. Diego then comes to help him by stepping on a log that was also in the mud, which launches Sid into the air.

All Vultures: ♫ Or a saber-tooth souffle~ ♫
♫ Why should we be fated to ♫
♫ Do nothing but brood~ ♫

The herd uses a tree to get across a high area, and they all try to dodge the vultures, who were flying way too close to them.

♫ On food, magical food, wonderful food, marvelous food ♫

It transitions to the herd on a boulder, sliding down a hill while screaming.

All Vultures: ♫ Food, glorious food~ ♫
♫ Flesh picked off the dead ones ♫

Despite the morbidness of the song, Sid at some point started to dance to it.

Meanwhile, the vultures flying close to Redwood would have to learn to back off when she took out her spear and started bonking them over the head with it.

♫ Rank, rotten, or chewed~ ♫
♫ Soon, we'll be the fed ones! ♫

Vulture #3: ♫ Just thinking of putrid meat ♫

Vulture #4: ♫ Puts us in a mood for~ ♫

The vultures who were sitting on a bunch of boulders got off them and let them head towards the herd. To which, they all managed to be on top of them as they continued rolling.

All Vultures: ♫ Food, glorious food, ♫
♫ Marvelous food, ♫
♫ Fabulous food, ♫
♫ Beautiful food, ♫

Vulture chick: ♫ Magical food~ ♫

All Vultures: ♫ Glorious food~! ♫

The vultures look over a cliff, that the herd ended up falling off of, and saw that the group was hanging on a tree branch above the ground alive, much to the vultures' disappointment.

"There. Now, you know what they were thinking". Manny tells Sid.

The branch gives way and the group falls to the ground, making the vultures fly off into the air.

A/N: The song was unnecessary... but still very catchy. Also sorry for the short chapter, I have a few other fanfics I need to update so I'm doing my best to catch up on all of them.

Anyway, please comment and tell me what you think of the chapter.

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