The Eggs

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Later, after Diego left, Sid starts to walk through the icy valley on his own. "Alright, alright, calm down. Calm down. I'm good at making friends. I'll make my own herd. That's what I'll do". He then spots some kids playing together and decides to try to befriend them. "Hey! Mi Amigos! Que pasa?"

The kids all quickly left in response, (the bird flies away, a baby Glyptodon runs away leaving his shell behind and two hedgehogs burrow into a hole covering it with a stone).

Alone again, the poor sloth sighs and looks down at his reflection in the patch of ice he's standing on. "Well, at least you still got your looks". He smiles but then the ice cracks.

Suddenly, Sid falls through the ice and lands in some kind of underground ice cave. He groans as he gets up and looks at the spot he fell through. "Oh, great".

He then stands up, dusting himself off as he takes a look around. Feeling curious, he goes off to explore a little bit of the cave. "Anybody here?" He calls out, only hearing the echo of his own voice. "Anyone?"

Sid continues to move on but then stops and turns back when he sees three eggs sitting alone in the cave. He walks over to the eggs and takes a look at them.

They were huge, and strangely enough, they were all alone. But just to be sure, Sid turns around and decides to call out again. "Hello?"

...Still no response.

He looks back at the eggs again, but this time he felt sorry for them. "Oh, poor guys. I know what it's like to feel abandoned". Sid then suddenly brightens up as he sees this as an opportunity to rebuild the herd he recently lost. "Don't worry. You're not alone anymore". He says as he cuddles the eggs.

Later, Sid tries to lift the eggs (now with faces drawn on them) and bring them out of the cave. He looks at the eggs once again, but gasps as he sees that one of their faces was drawn to look sad instead of happy. He fixes it and tries to make it look like a smile.

Sid rolls one egg in the snow while carrying the other two in his arms. Unfortunately, the eggs are so big that they're too heavy for him to carry, which makes it harder for him to move all three of them at the same time.

Sid stumbles a bit before putting the two eggs down and going back to get the third. He was feeling very exhausted as he pushed the last egg over to the other two. "Okay, okay, I'm okay, I'm okay". He groans. He then flops down to the ground and accidentally knocks one of the eggs over, making it roll down the hill.

He freaks out and quickly places the other two eggs against each other before turning to them. "Stay here! Stay here! And you, you take care of your brother now! Mama's gonna be right back". He then runs after the other egg. "Mama's coming, baby!"

Sid chases after the sliding egg, but then trips over a rock and lands on it, fortunately though, he also manages to catch it. "Gotcha!"

Just then, the other two eggs roll past him, much to his horror. "What did I just tell you, kids?!"

Sid runs off again to chase after the other two eggs. He manages to run ahead and stops, getting ready to catch them but one of them sends him flying backwards into a tree which breaks to become a sled.

The sloth scream as he sleds past the third egg and uses his foot to turn himself round to face forward. He swerves to avoid a rock and tries to reach out to catch the egg with his feet but they jump over a rock and land back on the round. Sid sees a log ahead and realizing it's not wide enough for him and the two eggs he's holding, he throws them in the air and slides through the leg after the egg.

As he exits, the first egg lands in his lap, and the second lands on his head. He removes them to his sides and reaches out to grab the final egg again, this time proving more successful. Sid holds the eggs tight before seeing that a rock curving like a jump is ahead of him and he has no way of stopping.

The Herd's Growing Family (Ice Age)Where stories live. Discover now