Possum Enough for This Family

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The herd walked down to where the boat was, which had all the animals happily disembarking from it, cheering as they are relieved they survived the flood.

Avery, Sid, and Diego walk together as two kids, who were running around chasing each other, went passed them.

"I don't know, I'm thinking of starting a swim school. Sid's Squids". Sid says before he suddenly screams and ducks behind Diego out of fear.


"What the..?"

Avery and Diego looked to see a mini sloth tribe down below them.

"All hail Fire King!" One of the sloths says as the mini sloth tribe bows down before Sid, much to Avery and Diego's surprise.

Sid shyly came out from behind Diego and waved. "Uh, hi?"

The mini sloths then copied him. "Hi, hi!"

The three look at each other, unsure about how to feel at the moment.

"Fire King avert flood! Join us, oh great and noble flaming one!" One of the sloths offers.

Sid thinks about it for a second until Diego steps in. "Whoa, not so fast there, OK? You make a quality offer, but Fire King has a prior commitment. His herd needs him. He is the gooey, sticky stuff that holds us together!"

Avery makes a disgusted face before finishing for him. "The point is that he made this herd and we'd be nothing without him!"

Sid gives them both a heartfelt smile. "You both mean it?!" He then pulls Avery and Diego in for a hug.

Avery returns the hug, meanwhile, Diego just gets annoyed by it. "Sid, Sid! That doesn't mean want to touch".

"Oh shush. You know you love it, ya big softie", Avery smirks.

"Don't push it". Diego glares at her.

Sid just keeps hugging them and the mini sloths all hug each other as Manny, Ellie, Crash, Eddie, and Redwood walk over, surprised that Sid was actually telling the truth about the mini sloth tribe.

They then looked at Diego, who was embarrassed at the moment. The saber cleared his throat before speaking. "Don't ask".

"Group hug!", Redwood happily says as she joins in on the hug.

Just then, everyone heard a rumbling noise. Manny and Ellie look towards the ice cliffs and some type of animals start to appear. Manny looked closer and there, walking over to them from the gap in the cliffs, is a whole herd of mammoths.

Manny's eyes grew wide as the herd marches through the area. Manny and Ellie smiled at each other, happy they are not the last two mammoths on Earth after all. The animals all look at the mammoths as they marched past. Even the ant eater and his kids are shocked that they've been proven wrong about Manny being the last mammoth.

Sid, Diego, Avery, Crash, Eddie, and Redwood walk over to the crowd and watch in awe and amazement. The animals step aside to let the mammoths pass as Manny and Ellie walk up to them.

"We're not the last ones anymore!" Ellie happily cheers as she starts to follow the mammoths, but she stops and looks back at Manny, who didn't move. "You're not coming?"

"You wanna go with them?" Manny asks her.

"I am a mammoth". Ellie tells him. "I should probably be with a mammoth, don't you think?"

"Yeah, unless..." He looks down at the ground.


"Unless, I...". Manny looks at Ellie. "I just wanna say...I need to tell you..." He couldn't find the right words to say. "I hope you find everything you're looking for".

The Herd's Growing Family (Ice Age)Where stories live. Discover now