Lost at Sea

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(A/N: I didn't mean for this chapter to be short, but I am going through some personal stuff right now and I need some time before I can continue.

BTW, I'm tag-teaming with the transitions between the herd.

Manny, Sid, Diego & Redwood = A-Team
Ellie, Peaches, Crash, Eddie & Louis = B-Team

Also, I find it funny how we weren't even 15 minutes into the movie when the chaos started)


On Ellie and Peaches' side (B-Team), all of the other animals were starting to run around and panic as they took notice of the giant wall and how it was moving towards them, knocking down and destroying most things that got in its way.

"Everyone, please! Settle down! Don't panic!" Ellie tried to calm everyone down, but no one paid her any attention.

Peaches looks around and realizes that they were missing someone. "Wait, Mom, where's Louis? We have to find him."

Ellie looked at the wall to see if they had the time to do so. Being how the wall was still at a slow pace, they only had a few minutes. "Okay, fast."

*At Sea, with the A-Team*

Manny, Sid, Diego, and Redwood were still paddling, but their efforts made no difference as they just kept drifting farther into the ocean.

"They need me! We got to get back." Manny spoke with worry.

"Manny, we're trying! But as you can see, we're making no progress!" Redwood exclaimed.

"She's right. Buddy, this thing's too big to turn. The current's pulling us out", Diego added.

"You know, my mother once told me that bad news was just good news in disguise", Sid said, trying to ease the stressfulness of the situation.

"Was this before she abandoned you?" Diego asked him.

"Yes, it was", Sid nodded with an unamused smile before bouncing back with something positive. "But the point being that even though things look bad, there's a rainbow around every corner".

Redwood gave a half smile and shook her head at Sid's words, appreciating him lightening the mood. But her smile quickly faded when she heard thunder rumbling in the distance, and it started to get louder.

Sid must've heard it too, as he started yelling over the thunder so the others could hear him. "And nothing but smooth sailing ahead!!!"

A strong gust of wind then hits the group and they looked behind them to see that they were drifting right for a huge storm.

"Smooth sailing, Sid?" Manny spoke, knowing the irony of that moment.

*Back with the B-Team*

Ellie and Peaches were running around the area, calling out for Louis and trying to find him before the wall got too close. Crash and Eddie helped with the search as well, (though they mostly called out 'Weiner' instead of his real name).

Eventually, Peaches split up from the group and ended up back at the falls, where she continued to look for her friend. "Louis, where are you? Come on, we have to go!"

She looks up at the higher ledges and sees Louis at the top of the falls. He was trying to escape the moving wall by climbing down the ledges.

"Louis?" Peaches called out to him.

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