Shifting Plates

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Later, the mist went down as the group walked through a rocky terrain. Crash and Eddie look around then run off. Sid and Diego walk along til Sid hits a stump.

"Watch out, there's a stump", Crash warns him a bit too late.

"Not anymore". Sid says in pain.

"I don't like the look of this mist". Redwood tries to clear the mist a bit but it covers their path again. "Ellie's going to get us lost".

"I think we can manage a little mist". Avery says. "Sure it's a bit dark and spooky, but just stick by us and you'll be fine".

"I guess you're right", Redwood tells her.

Meanwhile, Manny walks over to Ellie who is still upset with him. "I, uh, thought we could walk together".

"Crash, ask the mammoth why he thinks that". Ellie tells her brother.

Crash jumps onto Manny's tusk, still as upset as Ellie. "She said she thinks you're a jerk and to go away!"

He goes back to Ellie as Manny spoke. "She didn't say... Ow!" Manny hits his head on a rock. "Look, maybe if we spend more time... Ow!" He hits a stump next.

"Tell him that I need a little personal space right now". She tells the possums.

Crash and Eddie then hang upside down in front of Manny. "She said go jump in a lake".

"And possums rule!" Eddie fist-bumps Crash.

"I can hear her, you know". Manny reminds them.

"What do you want? A medal?" Crash asks sarcastically.

Redwood then froze for a moment with a worried expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" Sid asked the kid.

"I don't know. I just... I got a feeling..." She doesn't know how to explain it. "Something's not right here".

"You're probably just being paranoid", Eddie says, not believing her.

"Yeah. Nothing's wrong. You don't need to worry". Crash agrees. He and Eddie walk forward, but then they fall through the mist.

As Ellie moves forward to grab them, the ground raises up like a see-saw. Diego hangs on to it with Sid clinging to his back legs. With such a tiny space, Manny, Redwood, Avery, and Ellie keep bumping into each other.

Avery then is accidentally pushed and falls off the platform. She falls on another rock further below them that Crash and Eddie also managed to be on.

"Stop moving!" Diego yells.

The two mammoths and human do so and the rocky platforms stop.

"Thank you".

The rocks holding the platform break, making it move again and Sid loses his grip and falls down though he manages to hold onto another rocky platform.

Redwood then slips and falls backwards. As she falls, Sid swiftly grabs her arm while using his other hand to hang on to the ledge.

"You're a lot heavier than I thought!" Sid says, struggling to hold Redwood.

"Don't drop me! Don't drop me! Don't drop me!" She quickly says out of fear, clinging to Sid's arm. "We have to get off these rocks and back on solid ground now!"

The platform which Ellie is standing on starts to break underneath her.

"Manny! Ellie! Lock trunks!" Diego tells them.

Manny and Ellie glare at each other.


The two wrap their trunks together and walk up the rock, keeping it in balance.

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