The Truth & First Steps

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After the events of the volcano, the herd continued their journey, however, Avery and Redwood stood in the back since they were talking to each other. Redwood was explaining that despite all the dangerous stuff that happened, she was happy that Manny, Sid, and Diego were with them. She finally grew to like them and felt safer than she was when she was alone.

But unbeknownst to her, Avery wasn't really listening. Instead, she had something she wanted to tell the child since they left the cave, but she wasn't sure how to put it.

After building up some courage, Avery gave a sigh and cut off Redwood mid-sentence. "Uh, Redwood, I need to tell you something".

"Okay. What is it?" she asked.

"Remember the drawings in the cave and the spear we found near it?"

"You mean mommy and daddy's spear?" Redwood stopped in her tracks, but the others didn't notice.

"Yes... uh..." Avery didn't know what to say next without making this sound awful. So she took a breath and tried to explain what she found out in the cave. "Redwood... we won't be able to find your parents.... because they are... they're gone".

"What do you mean?" the child asks, hoping that Avery wasn't saying what she thought she was saying.

"I was reading the drawings. It said that your parents... didn't survive". This was painful for Avery to tell a kid that her parents are dead. It was even more painful when she saw the shock and utter sadness in Redwood's eyes. "I'm sorry..."

Redwood started sobbing quietly. Avery felt very bad and tried to comfort her. This didn't stop the crying however.

Eventually, they had to catch up with the others. Once they got close, everyone noticed Redwood crying.

"Hey, what happened?" Sid asked Redwood in concern. "Why are you crying?"

Avery answered his question and explained to the herd what she told Redwood. Once she finished, everyone was in shock. This was not news to be taken lightly, especially in Redwood's case.

"Well, that explains why you looked like that when we left the cave," Diego says. "And you choose now to tell her this?"

"Look, it was either now or she eventually finds out herself", Avery tells him.

"Shh, it's okay". Sid hugs Redwood in an attempt to make her feel better. But just like for Avery, this didn't change anything. They let her cry it out for a bit before Manny spoke up.

"Hey kid, listen; your family may be gone but... they would want you to keep moving forward", He understood what the child was feeling at the moment and tried to help.

"He's right. They loved you, didn't they?" Sid asks.

"...yes.." Redwood responds, still sad.

"Then they would want you to be happy" Sid clarifies. "And besides, you still have us. And soon you'll be with other humans. You'll have a family again".

Redwood broke away from the hug as Avery spoke next. "I know this is a lot to take in, but I promise... we promise to help you get through this, right guys?"

The herd nodded and Redwood gave a smile that was still sad but thankful. She would need time to accept this, but she's happy that she has friends to help comfort her in a time like this.

"Whenever you're ready, we can keep moving", Diego says.

Redwood took a few seconds to wipe her tears before nodding that she was ready. Manny placed her on his back, next to the baby, and the herd continued moving.

The Herd's Growing Family (Ice Age)Where stories live. Discover now