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(A/N: I took a break for the holidays, but now I'm back. Enjoy the chapter.)


"This is it, mammals. Right where you started". Buck stated as he led the herd back to where they entered the dino world. "This was fun! We could make it a regular thing".

Ellie chuckles. "I don't know about that".

"Right! Right. Yes, because of all the, uh, mortal peril, of course". Buck said before stopping in front of the entrance. "Oh, well. The Buck stops here".

Manny smiled. "We couldn't have done it without you".

"Well, obviously. But good times just the sa..." Buck stops as he suddenly feels breathing behind him. "We're not alone are we?"

Giant red eyes from inside the cave's entrance open up and stare at the herd, who all gasp in fright. Buck spins around and backs up, standing protectively in front of the group while a wicked grin spreads across his face. "Hello, Rudy".

A massive albino Baryonyx emerges from the cave, glaring down at the herd before letting out an ear-splitting roar.


Everyone runs away from the vicious beast as it tries to eat them, but they manage to avoid Rudy's jaws before he could chomp down on any of them. Unfortunately, he ends up cornering the herd and is prepared to finish them off. But before he could harm them, Buck begins shouting at the horrid creature, gaining its attention.

"Over here, you colossal fossil!" Buck holds his knife in front of Rudy, slightly taunting him. "Looking for something?"

Rudy licks at a spot where his missing tooth used to be and begins charging at Buck, ready to get his revenge on the weasel.

"Why don't you come and get it?" He smirks before looking at the herd. "To the cave! Go!" Buck leads Rudy away as the group hurries to the cave's entrance. But instead of leaving, they decide to go and help Buck.

"Stay with the baby". Manny tells Ellie.

"We'll be fine. Go". She reassures him.

"Alright, let's go save Buck, guys!" Avery announces.

Redwood is about to go along with them but she gets stopped by Manny, who picks her up with his trunk and sets her next to Ellie. "Not you! You stay here!"

"What?! Again?!" She complains.

Manny, Diego, Sid, and Avery ignore her frustration and run off to save their friend. They pass the Ankylosaurus that attacked them earlier, but now it seemed to be cowering because of Rudy.

Diego takes a minute to stop and insult it. "Wuss!"

Meanwhile, Rudy continued chasing Buck, who was diving in and out of the trees trying to avoid him. He lands on the ground and keeps running while Rudy tries to squish him with his feet, but misses twice before finally managing to score a direct hit. Buck's knife lands on the ground and Rudy smiles down at his foot, thinking he's won.

But then Buck pops out from between his toes and taunts him again. "Pop goes the weasel!" He jumps out of Rudy's toes and grabs his knife before running again.

Unfortunately, Rudy tried a different way to catch him by slamming his tail on the ground, which launched Buck into the air and had him plummeting back down, making him an easy target for the beast. But just as Rudy was about to swallow him whole, Avery came in swinging on a vine and grabbed Buck right before Rudy's jaws snap shut.

She let go of the vine and the two landed on the ground. Avery somehow was able to make a smooth landing on her feet while holding Buck bridal style, very similar to how he held her before. "Consider this payment for the rescues you did for me", she said while placing him down. 

The Herd's Growing Family (Ice Age)Where stories live. Discover now