Buck's Backstory

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(A/N: Wow look at me, my life is so much of a mess that I can't even get my fanfics together anymore... *ahem* that's not an excuse to keep you guys waiting).


"They'll never survive! It's dangerous by day!"

"But it's even worse at night!"

"Plus, their guide is a lunatic!"


"You mean Buck? Oh, he's wacko!"

"I am not!"

"Totally bonkers!"

"And his feet smell!"


"You shut up!"

"Why you little...!"

Buck spoke as he put on a puppet show with dinosaur skulls and then proceeded to wrestle with the skull on his foot while the herd looks at him weirdly.

'What does Avery see in this guy?', Redwood thought.

"He's strangling his own foot. Shouldn't we get moving?!" Manny asked him.

Buck stopped fighting his foot and spoke for the skull as he held it. "What?! And give Rudy a midnight snack? Not likely".

He then spoke in his normal voice. "The skull's right. Take a load off, mammals. We'll camp here. Now, who's hungry?"

"I am".

"You don't need the calories!"

Avery rolls her eyes while smiling at Buck before speaking to the group. "Okay, here's the plan; since I don't trust Manny to pick out food after what happened last time, I'll do it. He can stay with Ellie and keep a lookout, just in case".

Manny groans at this, feeling upset that she's not going to let that go. "Since when did you start taking charge?"

"I'm not. I'm just managing a few things so that none of us gets killed for another dumb mistake". Avery informs him.

"Well, thanks. It's not like we have someone else already doing that," Manny replies with sarcasm.

Meanwhile, Ellie starts to get a sneaking idea. "Hey Buck, do you mind tagging along with Avery?"

"Sure. Why not?", Buck says, feeling more than happy to be joining her.

Both Avery and Redwood glare at Ellie, who smirks at the female weasel. "What? Is that a problem?"

"... No...", Avery sighs at this, feeling annoyed, before turning to Redwood. "Red, we're going need some firewood. You know what to do".

"Got it", Redwood nodded.

"Oh and take Crash and Eddie with you", Avery adds.

"What?! No! Why?" Redwood frowns.

"So they can help you".

Redwood then looks at the two possums, who were both goofing around before getting into one of their brotherly fights. "...I don't think they'll be much help. Just have them stay with Ellie and Manny", The human suggests.

"Okay, then take Diego", Avery says.


"Yes, really. If you don't need help, you at least need someone watching your back".

"How do you know he won't leave it?" Redwood crosses her arms.

"You're still upset about that?" Avery asks.

The Herd's Growing Family (Ice Age)Where stories live. Discover now