Expecting a Baby

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It's been a long time since the flood happened and the herd has since then gotten bigger and happier. And almost nothing could be better for them.

Well... almost...

"It's happening!" Manny yelled as he runs through the forest with a Glyptodon shell full of water in his trunk. He's followed by Avery, Crash, and Eddie, who bounce over to him.

Not too far behind them is Sid, who is struggling to keep up. "Wait up, guys!" He accidentally steps on Scrat, (who was in a hole in the ground) and he clings to Sid's leg. Sid notices and tries to get him off but Scrat ends up on his head. The sloth panics as he tries to get him off again.

Meanwhile, Manny, Avery, Crash, and Eddie race over a bridge over a river, with Manny panicking and freaking out. "The baby's coming! The baby's coming!"

"Hey! Watch it!", a hedgehog shouted as the group ran passed him and a few other animals.

"I'm having a baby!"

"Code blue! Code blue!" Crash shouts.

"Or pink! If it's a girl!" Eddie adds.

"Or yellow, because you never know!" Avery says. "But seriously Manny, slow down! There's really no rush! It was just a kick!"

Manny ignores her as his nerves get the better of him. "Having a baby! Having a baby! I'm coming, Ellie". But then, he trips over a rock and lets go of the Glyptodon shell, which flies into the air.

"We got it!" The possums shout as Manny continues to slide along. Crash and Eddie run to the tip of his trunk and catch the shell as Manny manages to stop just before they go over the edge of a cliff.

Avery makes it to them and sighs in relief. "Phew. Okay, let's just relax and bac--"

She gets cut off as Sid runs towards them with Scrat still on his head. He finally manages to shake him off before bumping into Manny, Avery, Crash, and Eddie and sending them tumbling off the cliff and into the trees below, the shell ending up on Manny's head.

Manny quickly gets up and stumbles around a bit. "Gah! Ellie, Ellie! Ellie, where are you?! Where am I?!"

Ellie comes into view and looks at Manny amused. "Manny".

Sid and Avery, who both had gotten stuck to Manny's bottom, fall off onto the ground as Ellie speaks. "I told you, it was just a kick".

Manny removes the shell from his head and Crash and Eddie peel off his eyes and slide down his tusks.

"I told you! But no one ever wants to listen to me!" Avery complains.

"Oh, right. Right. Whoo! Wow". Manny smiles sheepishly before he turns to talk to Ellie's stomach. "Oh, you really gave Daddy a scare. Daddy got silly. Daddy fall down cliff and go boom-boom-boom-boom. Silly Daddy. Yeah". He chuckles before noticing everyone looking at him. "Ah, sorry folks. False alarm. It was just a kick".

Everyone groans in disappointment and annoyance. Some even shouted at him.

"You know who I'd like to kick?!"

"That's the third false alarm this week!"

Sid then tries to calm things down. "Alright, show's over. Break it up. Break it up". He then turns to a female beaver. "Oh, I see someone else who has a bundle in the oven".

"Oh, I'm not pregnant!" She hits Sid over the head with a stick, feeling offended.

Sid holds his head in pain. "That's too bad, you'd make a wonderful mother". The beaver throws her stick at him, hitting him again and making him fall over.

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