1. The Geeky Jock and The Otter Pop

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*** I decided to make this a short book. Vote/Comment/Follow! <333 ***

-Mitch's Point of View-

It. Was. Cold. We had just finished an interview in Toronto and were heading to the bus when Scott got locked in a conversation. He had his arm locked around mine and was talking to our interviewer about something Beyoncé related. A strong breeze sent a chill through my spine and caused me to shiver and try to get closer to him.

"Scotty!" I whined.

"Yeah?" He had this smile on his face when he looked down at me, like the almost negative degree weather wasn't affecting him.

"We should go to this club downtown! I think they're having some kind of drink special." She was a shorter girl, with long dreads and thighs that could crush a watermelon. She was adorable and I knew Scott wouldn't turn down an opportunity to go party. I quickly looked around at the other members of Pentatonix, who were in a circle talking about something. I questioned moving to one of them for warmth and began to weigh my options.

Avi's warm, but he's not wearing a coat. He'd probably end up sucking what little heat I have left into his body and using it to make him... woodsier.

Kirstie's shivering.

Kevin's probably warm. He was wearing a thicker jacket that was unzipped, since he'd started to get hot during the interview and had to open it. He had his hands shoved into his pockets and was chatting happily to Kirstie who was making her usual rapid hand movements. I pried myself from Scott, causing him to whimper sadly, and clasped my hands together in the center of my chest as I made my way towards the heat factory that was Kevin Olusola. I walked towards him until I felt my head brush under his chin and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Yo! Homie, what you doing?"

"I'm cold. You're on fire."

Avi honked a few times, which was probably a laugh and I pulled a little tighter on Kevin, pressing my head into his shoulder. He really was warm. He reminded me of one of those electric blankets my mother used to use in the winter. I could feel him shaking his head as another breeze blew by. Kevin zipped his jacket up around me, encasing me in this home-like warmth and melting the frost from my bones.

"Y'all are cute." Kirstie said with giggle.

"Like a married couple!"

"Shut up, Homie!" Kevin spat sending a riptide of vibrations through both our bodies.

"Y'all should go out." Avi said sensually.

"I will end you." I spat without even turning my head to look in Avi's direction. I was far too comfortable. I stepped a little closer to Kevin, pressing our bodies as close together as they could get. We started to circulate each other's heat, keeping each other soothingly warm in an otherwise cold environment. The other's continued to talk, but I was more focused on the vibrations in Kevin's chest and the way he tried to stand perfectly still so I wouldn't get uncomfortable. Though his hands were in his pockets, he was holding on to me. I felt his hands press against my back lightly causing me to smile and press my face into his shoulder. He smelled like this Calvin Klein cologne I remembered Avi getting him for Christmas. I could hear Scott trotting towards us.

"You guys! Meghan invited us to this bar downtown! You wanna go?"

"Not at all," I said, almost cutting Scott off. Kevin scoffed.

"Sure! I'll go. Avi?"

He paused long enough for me to turn my head and look at him from just under Kevin's coat. Avi smiled and chuckled a little before nodding and following the others off in the opposite direction of our bus.

"We should probably get in the bus."

"Yeah?" I said sensually. I tucked my bottom lip between my teeth and tried to look up at Kevin from where I was.

"I will put you out of this jacket."

"No," I whined. He rolled his eyes and slightly lifted me, waddling towards the bus. He was defintelly the right heat source for me. He carefully lifted the both of us into the bus, walked to the large benches in the back of it, and went to sit down. He sighed and looked down at me.

"I need to sit."

"I'll sit with you, baby!"

"Aren't you warm now?"


He sighed and sat down. I took the chance and straddled his hips, with no protest from the large geeky jock. I hadn't moved my hands from the one spot on his back this entire time. He unzipped his jacket and adjusted back against the couch, letting me rest comfortably against him.

Flexibility (Mevin/Mavi/Avin/Scevin/Scavi)Where stories live. Discover now