Bonus: New Trio (Pt. 2)

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-Avi's Point of View-

My body collapsed. I had bottomed before, but something about bottoming from someone who is also bottoming is a new experience. Mitch fell behind and Kevin behind him. We all rolled around a little to get comfortable.

"Best. Sex. Ever."

"That's because you were in the middle." Kevin said between gasps as Mitch clung to his torso and rested against his chest. "It was fun though, right, Avi?"

"As much as I protested... It wasn't bad." It had been a long time since I had done anything even remotely sexual around Kevin, about since our last breakup. Something had changed about him since then. I felt a smile pull across my face and tried to look away before Kevin caught me.

"What is that smile for? Are you mocking me?"

"No. I'm not mocking you, Panda."

"Panda? Been a while since you called me that. Are you sick? Was I too rough on you both?"

"No!" I rolled against Mitch's back, pressing the three of us close together. "I was thinking about us."

"It was so good you want to go out again?"

"Not unless we date Mitch too. Right, Bubble?"

He was gone. He clung to Kevin and fell asleep. He's never fallen asleep after sex. Not this quickly, and definitely not mid-cuddle. Kevin started to laugh quietly, which was a task for him. His almost silent laughter made me start laughing with him, us both struggling to keep as quiet as possible.

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