Bonus: He Doesn't Mind*

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*** Obviously, my last few posts were April Fool's pranks. Thanks for dealing with my foolishness. For the record, my prank actually started about 3-4 days ago with me freaking out about not being able to write. I was mildly freaking out and I did actually take some time away, but I wasn't nearly as distressed as I put on. I decided I would prank you twice. First, I'd write a lead in to a threesome and then skip the smut. Second, I'd write smut really badly and pass it off as my comeback. Thanks to the kind people that sent me encouraging words during my time of need and sorry for pranking you. I laughed really hard at all the comments and had one of the best April Fool's of my life. He's a treat to follow my trick. Love y'all! Comment/Vote/Follow. <333 ***

-Avi's Point of View-

I sat on the large couch in my living room sandwiched between Scott and Alex, who were over to "babysit" me while Kevin ran around with the other members of Pentatonix. It was probably something to do with my birthday. Alex had brought the book version of what was probably the Wizard of Oz and was reading away while Scott's hand traversed my thigh. I glared at him and looked over to Alex, who was fully immersed in his book. Alex caught my staring and raised his eyebrows. I smiled innocently and moved Scott's hand back to his own lap.

"Avi?" Scott returned his hand to my thigh. Alex scoffed a little and looked back down to his book. "You know our relationship is open, right?"

"I'm uncomfortable."

"Oh no! Should I stop?"

"No. Keep going. Can we not do it here though?"

Scott smiled and stood up, stripping as he walked back to my room. I turned to Alex, who hadn't moved in a while, except to turn the page a few seconds before.

"Is this really okay?"

"Go fuck my boyfriend, Avi." If he has said it any more deadpan, I would have thought he was an alien or a robot or something. Was this normal in their relationship? Was I complaining? I wasn't.

I darted off behind Scott and closed my room door. I stood with my back to him for a moment. I had never seen him in anything less than a swimsuit, which I guess was only one layer more than what he was wearing now. Would this make things weird? It hasn't gotten weird with Mitch and they're like the same. Who... Is he a top?

I felt his body press against my back and his hand massage the front of my shorts. I pressed my hands against the door, like I was being searched by a police officer and let him explore me for as long as he wanted. I was still wearing my clothes and still I was sure he'd touched every inch of me. He pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it behind us, knocking something over, but it didn't break so I ignored it.

"Shit, sorry!"

"Don't worry about it. Keep going." I looked back at him from over my shoulder and was hypnotically sucked into those blue eyes of his. He closed the short distance between us and pressed his strawberry flavored lips against mine. Scott undid my belt and pants and let them fall to the ground before cupping me in his hands and teasing me with his fingertips. I moaned and he pressed against me, making me lean against the door. He stepped away from me suddenly and swung me around to my bed. I was laying on my back in nothing but my underwear with Scott Hoying towering over me. He bit his lip and leaned down, kissing up my chest and back down before removing my last piece of clothing and pressing our bodies together. He kissed around my neck and across my collarbones before standing up and motioning for me to sit up. He held himself in his hand and I non-hesitantly took him into my mouth. I wasn't usually one for comparison, but he sat somewhere comfortably between Mitch's size and Kevin's, which could never be a bad thing.

"You're really good with your mouth. Mitch teach you that?"

"Shut... up. I will bite you."

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