9. Marry, Fuck, Kill

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*** The picture is of Andy, not that he's of any relavence in any later chapters. ***

-Kevin's Point of View-

I sat in Bella Luna in Boston and listened to Kirstie and Scott decide on pizza options for the pizza that we would bring back for Mitch and Avi.

 "Hey, Kevin. Is a bacon, spinach, chicken pizza fine with you?"

"Yeah. Sounds good."

He turned and repeated the order to the waiter and I tuned them out entirely. With everything that had happened since Toronto, I needed to make sure my emotions were alright. Do I have feelings for Mitch? No. Would I sleep with him again? Yes. There wasn't much else to it. He was a beautiful man and the sexual awakening I had with him was pleasurable. It was just fun. Do I have feelings for Avi? No. Would I sleep with him again? No. I had fun. He had fun. It was hot. It was just too weird. He's like my brother. That's a lie. I would never do that to Kellon. He's my best friend. It opened my eyes to the possibility of my actually having an attraction for men. Do I? I looked up and scanned the crowded restaurant for anyone I found attractive. I met eyes with the waiter that just took our order as he took a tray of drinks to another table. I hadn't paid him much attention before, but now that I got a good look at him, I knew that if he were into it, I'd sleep with him. I looked to Scott, who was locked in a conversation with Kirstie about something. Would I sleep with Scott?

"Okay. Kevin. Avi. And... Jake. Marry, fuck, kill." Kirstie said with a smile.

"I'd definitely fuck Kevin," Scott seduced in my direction.

Kirstie gasped. "Scottie!" She hit his arm and laughed, like normal with those two. Normally I would have defended my straight honor, but I had nothing to defend anymore. I simply raised my eyebrows and scoffed. I quickly looked Scott up and down before looking out the nearby window. There was a long silence from the other two at the table which was concerning. Before either of them could say anything, the hot waiter came back with our drinks. He slipped a small piece of paper under my drink and winked at me before he left to attend to the group at the next table over. I grabbed the paper and examined it for a second.

Andy. Call me.

(781) 414-0163


His handwriting was better than mine. I tucked the number in my pocket and looked over to the shocked and bewildered faces of Scott and Kirstie.

"What the hell is going on?" Kirstie asked furrowing her brow at me.

"Hm? Nothing in particular."  I sipped the large glass of Coke I didn't remember ordering and got lost in my thoughts again.

"What about you, Kevin?" Kirstie had this sly grin on her face that made my uncomfortable.


"Marry, fuck, kill. Avi, Mitch, and Scott."

I raised my eyebrows as high as I possibly could. I opened my mouth to speak, but I hadn't formed proper thoughts yet. I furrowed my brow and scratched my chin. "I'd kill Avi." Kirstie and Scott laughed for a second. "I think I'd marry you, Scott."

"Thanks, dad!"

I rolled my eyes and took another sip of Coke. Why was I so thirsty?

"You'd fuck Mitch?" Kirstie had a hand pressed to her chest.

Yes. Yes I would. "I mean, I guess. Yeah."

Andy came back with our Pizza and placed it down on the table as if he was serving me alone. We made eye contact for the second time and I got to look deep into his hazel brown eyes. He smiled at me seductively and looked me up and down before leaving our table, flashing an innocent smile at Scott and Kirstie. This had happened before, but usually towards Mitch or Scott. I couldn't say it was unwanted attention.

"He is so into you!"

"Kevy tryna get some?"

"Not at all." Yes. "He's just being really nice!" He was looking at my package. He wants to test my Nigerian stamina. There are probably an unspeakable number of things he wants to do to my body. I'm not against any number of them. What's happening?

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