16. Surprise!*

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*** Did you miss this? I missed this. I might write more of this? I'm considering. OH! Happy Birthday, Mitch! Comment/Vote/Follow!***

-Kevin's Point of View-

"Hey, Scott?"


I hesitated as I held my phone against my face. "I need your help with Mitch's... gift."

"Sure! What do you need?"

"Just... Get him out the house for a few hours?"

"Okay. What are you getting him?"

I knew he'd ask, but I still didn't have an answer. I struggled to think of a way to say it without Avi hearing me from the next room over. "Something."

"What is it? I won't tell him!"


"Oh... OH! I got you."


-Mitch's Point of View-

I'd spent the last 3 hours being dragged from store to store by Scott. He had already given me my birthday gift, so I wasn't expecting him to randomly take me shopping. I came home with bags full of clothes I'd probably wear out by next tour. Scott rounded up the rest of our roommates and decided to party downstairs, which I fully planned on joining in on before I went to my room.

I opened my door without any hesitation and saw Kevin lying naked on his stomach with a red bow on his ass.


"Happy Birthday." He smiled at me shyly and sat up, resting the large bow on the bottom of his feet. I closed and locked my door behind me.

"This is very straight-forwards of you."

"It is. I..." He cleared his throat and turned to face me. "I learned a lot about myself this year because of you and..." I found it increasingly hard to focus on his face when his penis was also in my line of sight. "...I just wanted to thank you."

"Sending a thank you note would have been fine."

"This is more your thing though."

"You're... not wrong." I tilted my head a little and bit my lip. "What parts of you am I getting?"

He looked up at me in a way that made him look unbelievably innocent. I smiled at him and went to set my bags down in the corner of my room. I stood there for a second and just admired his body. Something about a big man like Kevin sitting on his heels was aesthetic in a way I couldn't help but admit. Kevin removed the bow, which was tied around him like a thong. I watched the long ribbon fall free of him and realized there was no way that perfect bow could have been pre-tied. He worked hard for this.



"Whatever it is you planned for today... You don't have to if you don't want to."

"I want to. I'm nervous, but I want to." He stood up and walked over to me, placing his lips on mine. "Please... Daddy."

I took a step back and looked Kevin in the eye. "Seriously? Who are you?"

"Sh-... Shut up."

"Oh my gosh, you're actually adorable." I laughed a little and kissed Kevin while he pouted. I grabbed his waist and pulled him against me. He sighed and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. Kevin stepped away from me and grabbed my hands. He pulled me back so he could sit down on my bed and started to unbutton my shirt, kissing down my chest as he did.

Flexibility (Mevin/Mavi/Avin/Scevin/Scavi)Where stories live. Discover now