5. Touchy-Touchy

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-Avi's Point of View-

"Shit. I have to pee." Mitch hopped up from the spot next to Kevin he'd been occupying and walked to the bathroom of him and Scott's hotel room. Scott and Kirstie were working out the harmonies to the original her and Kevin wrote. Kevin was listening to the rough cut they'd recorded to lock down a feel. He was using Mitch's phone on speaker, turned down really low. He held the large phone to his ear and beatboxed along to the irregularly changing chords. I started to hum along with him, tapping my hand on my thigh to make sure I was in time. Mitch came back with a smile on his face. He rested his hand on Kevin's shoulder and let the touch drag across his body as we sat down beside him. While it wasn't uncommon behavior for Mitch, he usually only did that to Scott or me. He sat so close to Kevin I thought he was going to sit on his lap. Kevin kept beatboxing like Mitch wasn't there.

"Did I miss anything?"

"Yeah! What do you think of this background?" Scott and Kirstie sang a short symphony of do's at Mitch, which he smiled at before adding his melody. Kevin moved the phone away and joined in leaving only me to make the transition to the bass line I'd been making up. Everything fell into place, like it always did, and before we knew it, we had everything ready and recorded on our phones to practice later.

"Ugh!" Mitch turned his body and leaned back against Kevin's side. "That was a good rehearsal." Kevin looked over at Mitch for a second before looking over to me.


I hadn't realized I was staring. "Nothing." I smiled and looked over to Scott and Kirstie who were locked in some conversation that had them cackling off in the distance. I caught Mitch stealing Kevin's hat and placing it on his own head.

"Hey! Whachu' doin, Homie?" He grabbed his hat back and carefully placed it up his head, checking himself in the mirror on the other end of the room as he did. Mitch laughed and rolled his eyes. "Messing up my swag."

"You don't need any help with that."

We reacted like we were watching some kind of rap battle. Scott had the side of his fist pressed to his mouth while Kirstie had raised both her hands in full surrender. Kevin leaned away from Mitch, forcing him to sit up, and swatted at him with his hat. We all sat and chatted for a while, mostly about nothing until it started to get late. We had to be up earl the next day for some interviews so Kevin and I left the trio to fend for themselves.

"You and Mitch were being really... friendly."

"Were we? I didn't notice."

"At one point, I thought you were gonna kiss him."

"I thought about it."

I laughed and swiped the door key and opened the door to our luggage and one bed. Wait what?

Flexibility (Mevin/Mavi/Avin/Scevin/Scavi)Where stories live. Discover now