3. Oh

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-Avi's Point of View-

I tagged along with a small group to a near by bar with my thumbs tucked deep into my pockets, but I realized there was something missing. Where was my wallet?

"Crap! You guys. I left my wallet."

There was a sea of groans and curse words shouted in my direction before I took off running back towards the bus. I hadn't realized just how far we'd walked until I had to run back. I saw the bus in the distance and slowed down to a quick walk. There was a relatively harsh breeze in the air that I'd been ignoring so far, but it had finally cut through my clothes, probably because I'd started to sweat from running. I watched my feet as I walked, carefully avoiding small patches of ice, as I got closer to the bus. I got to the door of the bus and noticed there was a slight... rocking?

I took a step back and looked around to see if anyone else was around, but the parking lot was void. I started to walk around the bus and spotted Mitch. Is he bouncing? He seemed to be enjoying himself, what ever he was doing. Who ever he was doing. Mitch slapped his hand against the window, startling me and I noticed a familiar hat resting on the man underneath him. Is that Kevin?!




I decided against going in there to get my wallet and took out my phone instead.

"Avi! Where are you?" Kirstie spat. I could almost picture her with her hand on her hip and her tapping foot impatiently.

"I just... I just left the bus. I can't find my wallet."

She sighed and took a deep breath. "I guess I can sponsor you for tonight, but you'll owe me later!"


I took to sprinting back to where the others were waiting. I never understood how bodies could sweat even in cold temperatures. I was really wishing I'd brought a jacket. I couldn't even buy another one, since Rhythm and Blues decided to collaborate on the bus. I'd just seen two of my close friends in the midst of getting to know each other better and all I cared about was my wallet? No. I cared about being cold and sweating too. I was going to get sick if I didn't get somewhere warm soon.

I found the others and took a short break to breathe.

"Avi! Do you want to borrow my jacket?" Mario was holding the jacket in the bend of his arm and held it out towards me.

"Thanks, man." I took it with raised eyebrows and wrapped it around my small body. I took a deep breath followed behind the pack, letting my thoughts run over what I'd just seen. Kevin did make mention of Mitch looking good in the Patreon live stream, but I'd assumed he was just feeling complementary. Are they a thing? Is that why Kevin didn't mind zipping him in his jacket? Are they... together? Wouldn't he tell me if they were? I have to talk to him when I can.

Flexibility (Mevin/Mavi/Avin/Scevin/Scavi)Where stories live. Discover now