14. Voiceless in October*

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*** I'm doing one more chapter of this story before I mark it as done and I already know what's gonna happen. I felt like I needed to elaborate on Mavi's past a little, so I did this. Enjoy! ***

-Avi's Point of View-

October 20, 2014

"Are you at home?" Mitch had called me at 1am randomly. At the time, I was lying shirtless with my pillow over my face and waiting for the adrenaline from our first Roxy show to wear off so I could sleep.

"I'm home. What's up?"

"Come over. I wanna fuck you."

"Tact, Mitchell. Tact!"

"You coming or not?"

I sighed and sat up, letting the pillow roll down my body before I moved it to the bed next to me. "I'm on my way." I hung up my phone and started the search for something to wear to Mitch's place. I took a shower as quickly as I could and drove to the apartment as fast as traffic would let me.

Why was I agreeing to this? It wasn't the first time Mitch had called me on some random day to rush over to his house, but what did he mean he wanted to fuck me? Casual sex had become a part of our friendship, so the point where it became normal for us to flirt in public settings. We just had this chemistry. I was in lust with him.

After pulling up at the apartment complex, I ascended the stairs to his door, stood outside for a few minutes, and thought about reconsidering. What was he going to do to me? I was scared, but so full of excitement and greed. I didn't want him to call someone else. Mitch opened the door in a tank top and some basketball shorts, which was more than he'd usually have on. He stepped to the side and let me enter, another abnormality. Usually, I was pinned to a wall by now. Mitch locked the door and stood perfectly still, looking down at the doorknob.



He turned around and rubbed his crotch with his hand. Was this because of the show? Was he feeling it too? Of course. I scoffed and pulled my shirt over my head, tossing it to the ground at Mitch's feet. He smiled and walked closer to me as I pulled my pants down and stepped out of them. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. Mitch slid his hands into the back of my underwear and held my ass in his hands. He really wasn't trying to waste time, was he? I could feel him through his shorts. He trailed one of his hands up my back and grabbed my shoulder while kissing the side of my neck. He stepped back and locked his eyes with mine.

There was something almost hypnotizing about those deep brown eyes that made it impossible to not do what he told you to do. He turned around and walked into his bedroom. I followed behind him like a lost puppy and let him close the door behind me. He pinned me against the door and kissed from my neck down to the hemline of my underpants. He yanked them down and sucked me into his wonderful mouth. I grabbed onto the doorknob for support as he made my knees weak with his mouth and that finger of his that had made it's way to my backdoor.

Just as fast as he'd started, he stopped and stood up. He left my body craving his touch. He tucked his hands into the pockets of those shorts and took a step back. He wasn't even touching me and I couldn't stop moaning. I ran my free hand through my loose hair. When did Mitch take my beanie? Did it come off in my shirt? It didn't matter. I wanted him so badly. He bit his bottom lip and looked me up and down, like I was a steak. How is it even possible to fuck someone with your eyes like that?

My heart was racing. He pulled his tank top over his head and dropped his shorts before walking over and tossing me down on his bed. Mitch climbed on top of me and pressed his body against mine. He kissed me and pulled my legs to his sides. Wait... Did he actually mean fuck me? What did I eat today? Could I bottom safely?

Flexibility (Mevin/Mavi/Avin/Scevin/Scavi)Where stories live. Discover now