15. Don't Hold The Wall*

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-Kevin's Point of View-

June 15, 2015

I heard my phone vibrate next to my pillow and rolled over to check the text message I'd received from Mitch.

Mitch: Kevin! I need you to come over.

Me: It's midnight. Can it wait until tomorrow?

Mitch: No. I need you to fuck me.

Me: Are you drunk again?

Mitch: No! I usually call Avi, but he's probably still recovering from yesterday.

I sighed and reluctantly climbed out of my comfortable bed to get dressed. My phone went off again.

Mitch: Plus I never got my finger.

I laughed and tucked my phone into my pants pocket. When I walked out my room, Avi was leaning over the kitchen counter eating a bowl of cereal.

"Hey, Kevin."

"Hey. Are you alright?"

"Tired." He abandoned his bowl and closed the distance between us, hugging my waist. I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my chin against his head. "Are you leaving?"

"Yes, Dear. I'll be back later, I'm sure."

He rolled his eyes and stepped back holding his fist out towards me. I bumped it with mine and headed towards the door.

I sat in my car and thought about everything that had happened since tour started. I'd come to terms with my bisexuality as well as familiarizing myself with my hetero-romantic tendencies. I spent a lot of time experimenting and learning my own body so I could better please my partners. Avi and I did end up having a fling, but it didn't work out too well. Though it did make the casual sex afterwards a lot less weird.

I pulled up at Mitch's house and made my way up to the front door. Mitch had this habit of always pinning me down and not letting me do anything, so I was going to have to be assertive if I wanted to please him my way. Mitch opened the door and dragged me up the stairs to his room. I closed and locked his door before I pulled him backwards against me. I could remember hearing once that Mitch had sensitive nipples and I decided to test that theory. I slid my hand up his shirt and rubbed over it with my index finger. He moaned a little and moved my other hand to his crotch, where I learned he wasn't wearing underwear. He bit his bottom lip and rested his head on my shoulder for a second before trying to walk forwards. I held on to him, which I never did. It usually felt like I was forcing something I shouldn't be. With Mitch, it was just payback. I stripped him quickly and took a step back, looking over that beautiful body of his. I kissed and stroked him while slowly pushing him backwards until the backs of his legs were pressed against the side of his bed.

"Wait, Kevin." He pushed me back and stepped around me. Pulling me with him, he put his back against the wall and unfastened my pants. Mitch slid down the wall and pulled me into his mouth. I leaned against the wall for support and let Mitch suck and lick me. I wanted more. Mitch had this way of doing little, normal things that would make you want more of him. He was like a siren.

I pulled him up and grabbed the lube he'd obviously set out for my visit. I pulled him away from the wall so I could sneak the lube and my hands behind him. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me, standing on the tips of his toes. I snuck my finger inside him and wiggled it. He nibbled my lip and moved closer to me, pressing our crotches together. I loved the sound of the light moans of his siren song. He used his free hands to put a condom on me and leaned back against the wall.

Mitch looked up at me with this burning seduction in his eyes that made me feel primal. I needed to take him. I turned him around and pushed inside, with the queen's approval. He held onto my shirt as I pumped into him. He moaned and groaned adjusting his grip and adding new wrinkles into my tee. I leaned forwards against him and kissed the side of his neck. It always felt so good being with him. Everything felt good with him. I wanted more of him. I pressed against him and let the vehement motions of my body shake him. He was so loud. Was anyone else home? I didn't care. It was too late for that. I reached around to stroke Mitch, but he already had that covered. He reached around behind me and stuck a finger in me, which socked me. I could hear myself slapping against Mitch's butt and thighs paired with the loud moans and groans from him. He hit this one spot with his finger and I almost lost my concentration. His body quivered slightly before he released, but I was too close to stop. Mitch hit his fist against the wall and cursed at me again. I released and let the heat of the moment dissipate with my chest pressed against Mitch's back. I picked him up and carried him to his bed.

"When did you get so... so good?"

"You know how Scott and Alex have an open relationship?"

He looked me in the eye and squinted, like I was lying. "Are you serious?"

"Black, no. Right now, yes."

"I hate you."

I laughed, sat him down on his bed, kissed him, and lied down beside him. Mitch really was beautiful. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled us into a cuddle. He wiped the sweat from my brow and kissed it before looking me in the eye.

"Do you have to go home?"

"Do you need me to stay here?"

"Could you?"

I nodded and hopped out the bed to get my phone and call Avi. He didn't answer. I rolled my eyes and texted him my whereabouts before climbing back into Mitch's bed and cuddling with him until we both fell asleep holding each other.

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