2. Rising Dragon*

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*** I feel so unclean. I need to go pray and shower and... so many things... I'm sorry? Don't hate me. Comment though. ***

-Kevin's Point of View-

Mitch shifted on my thighs and pulled his hands to his chest, giving me a little more space to move against the back of the bench. I wrapped my arms around his thin frame and pulled him tight against me. The way his curves arched in my grasp reminded me of a woman in a way that made me slightly uncomfortable, but I quickly overcame the feeling. I began to slightly rub Mitch's lower back, letting my head fall forwards onto his shoulder. I took a deep breath and relaxed into the soft hold I had on him. I could just slightly feel his lips on my bare shoulder. There was something about him that made my body relax in ways it had never before. He shifted slightly and took a deep breath moaning in my ear. I felt my Chinese Dragon slightly awaken.

"What kind of thought..."

"Hm?" Mitch slightly lifted his head and sleepily looked at me.

"Nothing." I avoided eye contact with him momentarily while everything settled down, but he shifted closer to me making everything worse. "This isn't helping."

"What are you talking about?" His furrowed brow over his half opened eyes gave me feelings I really didn't need at the current moment. I should be studying Chinese. Or sleeping. Or reading that autobiography I started. Instead I sat there, holding a close friend of mine and trying to calm my rising lotus.

"That was worse than the first one." I massaged the bridge of my nose and laughed slightly.

"What was worse...? Are you okay, Big Baby?" He leaned back from me with his hands on my chest for support. There was this innocence in his eyes but something sensual in the way his one arm bent slightly like he was modeling at me. Like they had a mind of their own, my eyes trailed down Mitch's body. I snapped them shut and turned my head slightly, hoping he hadn't caught me checking him out just now. "Kevo?"


"Are you alright?" He sounded slightly concerned but covered it in a light chuckle as he spoke. My hands had moved down to his waist and threatened to fall to his butt. I looked him in the eyes, took a deep breath, blinked for a second, and shook my head at him. He looked so perfect, and yet so confused. I pushed his locked arm up, causing him to fall towards me, and guided his lips to mine. With my hand on his waist, I moved the other one to cup his face. Never before had I felt this way toward Mitch. Why now?

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and closed his fist around a section of my shirt. Giggling, he lightly grinded against me causing me to moan, and pulled away from me.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I never took you for flexible."

"Wha-?" I quickly remembered the orientations chat Scott and Mitch had with me almost a month prior. Hetero-flexible: Someone who is otherwise straight, but things could happen. I couldn't even deny it. He smiled and pulled a bottle of lube from behind my head. With his other hand, he pulled a condom out from between the benches cushions. "Did you plan for this?"

"I did more planning for my life as a Buddhist monk." He sat the two things beside me and kissed me while he slowly removed my jacket and tank-top.

I started to remove Mitch's sweater, but stopped. What if he was still cold? Would he want to keep it on? I took to the alternative of just sliding my hands up his shirt for the contact I needed. He stood up suddenly and kneeled in front of me, pushing my knees apart and looking up at me.

"You have amazing thighs."

"Thank you?"

"It's a compliment! Can I?" He pointed towards my... my awakened dragon. I hate this. My brain, not my current situation. On a scale of 1 to Mitch is amazing...

His nimble hands massaged their way up my thighs and to the hem of my pants. He undid my button and pulled my pants down to my ankles, with a little help from me. He rested his arms on my thighs as his hand worked me up with this almost sly grin on his face.

"You are a tease."

"No, I'm a hunty." He carefully removed my boxer briefs and added them to my jeans around my ankles. He smiled, stood up, removed his pants and underwear, and tossed them on the bench next to me. "Stop me if I go too far."

"I will."

He smiled and wrapped his mouth around me. I had never been more thankful everyone was off the bus, because I was not quiet in these kinds of situations. Every slurp and tongue flick from Mitch gave me irrational feelings of pleasure. He grabbed the bottle of lube from off the bench and did something out of sight. He moaned, sending a vibration through my body. I couldn't stop the subtle thrusts of my hips as I was hit with round after round of pleasure. Mitch climbed back into the position he was sat in before and replaced the lube behind me.

"I feel like I haven't done anything."

"You haven't. I feel like you wouldn't know what to do anyway, so it's fine." He handed me the condom and smiled. I was offended. How dare he suggest the truth that I probably wouldn't have known what to do? I rolled the condom on and looked up at Mitch for confirmation. He grabbed my hand and wrapped it around him, keeping a tight grip on my wrist. He lifted up and slid down on me.

For someone who couldn't stay warm in a slight breeze, he was almost too hot on the inside. His beautiful voice filled the small room as he bounced and rocked, giving himself just the pleasure I didn't know how to give him. He wrapped his arms around my neck and leaned forwards, meeting my lips with his. I had no idea what to do with my free hand, so I grabbed his butt, which seemed to encourage him. I moved his shirt out of the way so I could to kiss his neck, the one thing I knew I could do in this situation, and decided to give him a reminder of this moment for later. I let go of his butt and hugged him tight against me, holding him still, and pumped into him for a moment. He growled at me and pushed my arms away, locking our hands together and taking back control of the situation. He rocked slowly. He really was a tease.

"You're staring, Kevy."

"You're beautiful, so..."

He smiled and leaned forwards, releasing my hands and resting his arms on my shoulders. He started moving in a way that I could only associate with the little dance he does in the Baby Boy section of the Beyoncé Medley. How did he get so good at this? Oh.


I stroked him as I felt myself reaching the apex of pleasure and kissed him roughly. We moaned together almost as if we were singing some kind of erotic duet for no one else's ears. The tension released and we both collapsed into each other a little. He stood up for a second before sitting down next to me. He was breathing heavily as he reached for the baby wipes behind him.

"Where did those come from?"

"Me and Scott always hide stuff like this all over the place to freak you straight guys out. You should see what we hid in Avi's bunk." He laughed between breaths and handed me a wipe. I cleaned myself off and pulled up my pants, feeling thoroughly satisfied. I looked Mitch over one more time before handing him his pants from the other side of me. He quickly dressed himself and fell over against my shoulder. "Can I sleep here?"

"Of course." I moved back into a corner and pulled him against my side so he could stretch out on the empty space behind him. I spent some time replaying the events in my head before I heard the deep breaths of the man resting against my chest. Thankfully, it's wasn't too uncommon for Mitch to fall asleep in my presence. I smiled and wrapped my arm around him. I'd moved my backpack into the room before the interview since I knew I'd be in there later, so I pulled out Maya Angelou's Autobiography and turned to where I left off. I took to reading while I waited for the other's to return.

Flexibility (Mevin/Mavi/Avin/Scevin/Scavi)Where stories live. Discover now