8. Tease

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-Avi's Point of View-

I stood satisfied in the corner of the elevator opposite of Kevin. He stared off into space with his mouth agape and deeply furrowed brows. He looked over at me quickly before turning back to face the elevator doors. I chuckled and moved to stand closer to the door. The doors scrolled open and I stepped out into the crowded lobby.

"Wait, Avi." Kevin stopped behind me, but his head was turned elsewhere. I followed his gaze to Mitch and the others who were waiting on this one couch, cluttering it with still bodies holding iPhones. Esther waved over at us and stood up. Suddenly, everyone popped up to their feet and moved towards the door. I decided that I would spend as much of today torturing Kevin. This would be fun. I quickly caught up with the others, draping my arm around Mitch's shoulder.


"Hey, Big Daddy." He smiled and quickly rested his head on my shoulder before Scott caught his attention. As if I wasn't there, the two launched into this long conversation that would continue into the car. Mitch and I sat the farthest back in the van with Kirstie, Scott and Kevin just in front of us. I spent the majority of the ride over with my hand on Mitch's thigh, which Kevin took note of the one time he looked back to ask me something. By the time we got to the place of the interview, Mitch's hand was intertwined with mine.

"Are you messing with Kevin?" He whispered into my ear. I nodded and smiled, as if he was flirting with me. "All day?"

I nodded again.

"I'll play along, but you owe me."

I winked at him and he smiled back at me. Kevin was going to hate me later.

-Kevin's Point of View-

Avi sat in my usual spot, forcing me to sit next to Kirstie, which was fine. I liked Kirstie. We were all spread out on this large couch, Avi with his arm lazily resting on the couch, around Mitch. They weren't even doing anything out of the ordinary. I had never really realized how... touchy they were. Most of the interview was normal, the normal questions we'd probably answered at every interview, so we quickly lost interest, leaving Scott to answer the bulk of the questions. I saw Avi lean into Mitch's ear before Mitch slapped his chest with the back of his hand, causing him to laugh and rub the spot, keeping his other arm still behind Mitch.

"So, Kevin."

"Yeah, Homie."

"Can you teach me some beatboxing?"

The fans of our probably hated this question more than I did, which was saying something. Be nice Kevin.

"Well, in beatboxing, we always start off with the basics. The Boots and Kats." I launched into a lengthy explanation and demonstration that I had perfectly memorized, down to the "pretty good" I'd tell everyone that was at least trying. We ended the interview and headed back out to the van.

"Hey guys, me and Mitch are gonna head back to the Hotel. Bring us something back." With that, Avi and Mitch disappeared into one of the accompanying cars heading to the hotel. I got into the van with Scott and Kirstie towards whichever restaurant those two would decide on.

Flexibility (Mevin/Mavi/Avin/Scevin/Scavi)Where stories live. Discover now