12. Sopran-NO

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-Kevin's Point of View-

I spent most of the morning doing push-ups in the lounge of the bus and stopped somewhere around 150 to sit down. The bus had been quiet, since just about everyone went out on the town. He had our first day of down time in a little while and I planned to spend a lot of it studying Chinese. Maybe I could take a nap?

Kirstie strolled in wearing her tour signature shorts and one of Jeremy's sweaters that he probably didn't know was missing. She sat down across from me and tossed me a bottle of water. Mindlessly, she was scrolling on her phone when she stopped to pull her hair back into a ponytail with the scrunchie she had hidden in her extra long sleeve. I couldn't help but get this uncomfortable feeling in my gut, like I'd been in too many similar situations this week. Kirstie looked up and caught me staring at her. She furrowed her eyebrows and pursed her lips.

"What are you looking at?"

"Nothing... It's just been a weird week." I looked away from her and took a deep breath. So much had happened so fast and my little "talk" with Scott hadn't really helped much. Did I even have a reason behind what happened with Avi? At least I could blame Mitch. "Hey, Kirstie?"


"You wouldn't... I mean... Jeremy and you are in a closed relationship, right?"

"Are you hitting on me?"

"No! I'm... It's been a weird week."

She leaned forwards with those same furrowed brows. "What kind of weird?" She gasped. "Did you sleep with Esther?"

"What? No! Did you?"

"Very funny." She looked me up and down judgmentally. "What did you do?"


"Who did you-?"






"What?!" Her mouth hung open. She sat back and crossed her arms. "I can't believe you." Almost as quickly as she leaned back to speak she was leaning forwards again. "Were they any good? Don't answer that!" She pinched the bridge of her nose and tilted her head back.

"I need to talk about it."

"I don't want to hear about your sausage adventure!"

"Not that! I'm... confused."

"Oh." She cleared her throat and sat up straight, like a therapist. "What are you confused about?"

"Well, I've always liked girls, but ever since Mitch, I've been looking at guys and... It's really confusing."

She sighed and pulled her hand through her hair, tucking in the few loose strands that fell from her ponytail. "Is it only guys you've known forever, or..."

"No. There was a waiter too and some of the fans in the meet & greets."

"I knew you were being friendly. Well, you can always go on without a label. If you'd like a label, I'd suggest looking them up and really reading up of them to see if any speak to you."

This was the advice I needed. There was a certain Hoying that needed to learn how to give advice. What if that's how he always gives advice? Is that how he got Alex? I sure hope not.

"Do you have feelings for anyone?"

"Nope. None that aren't purely penis driven."

"Please don't."

I laughed a little and watched Kirstie's pained expression. She sighed and dropped her head back, covering her face with her hands.

"My brother's fucked..."

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