Bonus: New Trio (Pt. 1)

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*** I did it! After all that struggling, I actually wrote something! There will be a part 2 to this tomorrow and I'll probably end up posting something else later tonight, if not shortly following this. Thanks for all the kind words of support everyone! <333 ***

-Kevin's Point of View-

 "I need you to come over!"

"Right now?"

"No tomorrow."

I could hear the sass in Mitch's voice as he spat his demands at me. He had to be planning something. It was the middle of the day, on our off day, and Scott was with Alex for the day, probably the night too knowing those two. I heard Avi's keys outside my room door and went to investigate. He was leading out. I sat down next to him and started to put on my shoes.

"So... where you goin?"

He lifted his head and looked at me. "Just to the store." He tied his shoes and sat back against the couch. "Where are you going?"

"I need to get new break shoes."

"For what? It's not like you go fast enough to wear them down."

"Don't make me fight you, Playa."

We both laughed and stood up. We held a light conversation as we walked towards our separate cars. We both pulled out the parking lot and turned in opposite directions. I wondered briefly if we were going to the same place, but Avi was a horrid liar. I trusted his store excuse and kept driving. I pulled up to Mitch's house and noticed a very, very familiar car parked in the driveway. There also happened to be a very, very familiar brown haired liar on the doorstep. I walked up behind Avi and grabbed his sides, scaring him out of his liar skin. I folded my arms and stood next to him.

"What... What are you doing here, Kevin?"

"What are you doing here?!"

The door opened to a very smiley Mitch. "Hi." He looked both of us up and down.

"No, Mitchie."

"But, Avi! I've always wanted to try it! You two are my only booty calls..."

"What's happening?"

Avi turned his head to me with more disdain on his face than I think I had ever seen. "Threesome."

"Please, Kevy!"


"What?" Mitch said with glee.

"What?" Avi spat in disbelief.

"You're both hot and I've already slept with you. I don't mind."

"You've got to be kidding me." Avi turned to begin to walk away, but Mitch grabbed his arm and turned him back around.


Avi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He quickly looked between Mitch and I before relaxing his tense shoulders. "I guess... Kevin, this is your fault."

"I'll take blame."

"You can take more than that, Big baby."

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