9.5. Well...*

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*** I'm not prepared for this chapter. I'm... ***

-Mitch's Point of View-

Avi lead me into their hotel room, but I was already feeling the effects of all the teasing from earlier. I grabbed him and pinned him to the wall, pressing my body against his. I bit my bottom lip and felt his hands slide from my waist to my ass, cupping it lightly. I smiled and kissed him, luring him into to this false state of safety. I yanked his shirt over his head, much to his surprise, and turned around. Avi was so easy to tease. I turned to look at him from over my shoulder with his shirt in my hand and subtly raised my shoulder. He walked over behind me and hugged me, crossing his hands over my chest and kissing up and down my neck. I turned around and slowly pulled my shirt up, feeling his hands on me before I tossed both of our shirts across the room.

"Moving fast today, aren't we?" He smiled and licked those irresistible lips of his.

"Never know when Kevin's coming back and I want to ride the hell out of you."


I pushed him back on the bed and swiftly removed his pants, underwear, and shoes. He hadn't let me touch him since October and I needed to remind him who his daddy was. Avi sat up and started to unbutton my pants, but I had plans for him. Ever since that night with Kevin, I've wanted to completely destroy Avi. I pushed his hands away and dropped to my knees, taking him into my mouth and toying with him, a technique I spent most of 2014 learning. It didn't take long before Avi had a handful of my hair and my name on his lips. I pulled away and stood up. I dropped my pants and folded my arms.


Without a word, Avi pulled me towards him and sucked me into his mouth. He'd gotten rusty over our "break," but he wasn't half bad. I pulled away from him and grabbed the lube and condom that were sitting out on the bedside table. I handed Avi the condom and turned around so he could watch me lube up. I put a line of lube on my finger and rubbed it around before I slowly pushed it inside with my hand pressed to the wall next to the bed. I pressed my hips back towards Avi and continued until I heard him pop open the cap on the lube, to grease up the condom. I turned around and pushed him back roughly. I climbed on top of him and pinned his arms down above his head. He looked shocked and scared, but somehow still incredibly turned on.

"Keep your hands to yourself."

"But I want to touch you."

"No." I stuck my tongue out at him and grinded against him slightly before lifting up and sitting down on him. I had held back with Kevin, but Avi knew of me. I could break him if I wanted to. I rocked my hips softly, giving my body a little time to do whatever extra loosening up it needed before I would tame the dragon I had pinned down. I looked down at Avi seductively and I bounced and rocked on him. He wanted to touch me so badly. He had one hand tangled in his hair and the other threatening to grab and stroke me. He bent his legs behind me, which gave me an idea. I got a little more lube and pressed my finger into Avi, catching him off guard and making him squirm beneath me. I knew just what parts of his body were sensitive and focused on them. I wiggled my finger in a syncopated rhythm that reflected the rough bounces of my body. Avi couldn't take much more. He grabbed on to me and started to stroke me vehemently, which, I'll admit, almost made me lose focus. He was getting close. I could feel it. I wanted to tease him. I had to. I stopped.

He had this almost pained expression on his face, like me stopping was a physical attack on him. I raised my eyebrows with the most expectant smile plastered on my face. Avi couldn't even begin to form words. He just grabbed my hips and rolled his head around. Poor baby.

"Hey, Big Daddy?"


"Do you think you'll lose your voice again?"

"I'd rather lose my voice right now."



Avi hated begging. We'd already discussed it in the past. He wasn't good at it. I knew that please was his attempt and gave in. I continued my motions like I'd never stopped in the first place until he released, but I wasn't done. I continued like nothing had happened. It didn't take long for me to release as well, but Avi was a complete mess by them. I climbed off him and started to get dressed. If I wasn't in our room when Scott got back... He'd know where I was, was I kidding?

"Mit-... Mitch."


"What... What was that?"

"Sex. We've done it before."

"Not..." He covered his face with his hand and pointed at me. "Not like that."

I laughed and leaned over him. I moved his hand and kissed his forehead lightly. "Next time, don't make me wait for so long." I winked and decided to sit around for a while. Thanks to Avi stopping our car to do some quick sightseeing, I bet the other's actually got to the hotel first. Where was Kevin? Oh well. "I'll see you at the show later." He hadn't moved from the same spot on his back with his knees bent. I scoffed as I left the room. Oh well.

Flexibility (Mevin/Mavi/Avin/Scevin/Scavi)Where stories live. Discover now