6. Add The Bassline*

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*** I'm going to sleep. I need sleep. My sleep schedule is a mess... ***

-Kevin's Point of View-

Avi and I carried our bags further into the room. In usual Avi like fashion, he took off his shirt and flopped on the bed. Avi and I were used to occasionally getting a room with one bed, due to a scheduling conflict or an error somewhere. It became a thing we'd just grown to accept, or at least I had. I stopped at the window. There was something captivating about the lights of the busy city below our window. What looked like thousands of cars rushed off to their final destinations as the street lights changed in their timed, rhythmic pattern. I found myself entranced by the sporadic movements of the lights.



"Do I have to wear pants?"

Wait. I reluctantly turned my head from the window and towards Avi, who had stripped down to his underwear and was holding up a pair of pajama pants. He'd been working out and it showed. Though his abs weren't defined, he wasn't flabby either and he had pecks and arms to match. And those thighs... Homeboy looked good.

"If you don't want to wear them, you don't have to."

He smiled and tossed them back towards his suitcase. He pranced to the bathroom and I sat down on the bed, next to where he was standing. I heard the shower start and decided to do some thinking. It had been a few days since I slept with Mitch. Would I do it again? Probably. I'm 100% still into women though. No snap judgments. It was only Mitch. I'm pretty sure there's a small number of people that would have passed up the opportunity.

Avi walked back into the room with a white towel wrapped around his waist. "I've been meaning to ask, what was it like? With Mitch I mean."

"Hm? He did most of the work. It was good though."

"You liked it?" Avi walked over near me and moved his luggage up to the small table that was in the corner. This was normal behavior for Avi, but something was... tempting me?

"I... I did." Something was telling me I shouldn't, but I absent-mindedly started reaching for the hem of his towel.

"Would you do it again?"

"I think I would." I snatched the towel and quickly balled it up and tossed it across the room, towards the door. If he wasn't into it, at least I could watch him walk over to get that. Wait, what?

He turned just slightly and looked back at me from over his shoulder. The few times I'd done that in the past he snapped at me, but this time he just... looked at me.



"Swole check."


He turned around and pointed down. I furrowed my brows and looked down. When did the situation arise? Might as well go for it.

I stood up and pulled Avi towards me. I hugged his waist and kissed him. I kissed my bro. Avi's arms wrapped around my neck and I let one of my hands trail to his butt. He moaned into my mouth a little and stuck his hand back into his suitcase. After a second, he stepped away from me to get a better look in his bag. He found this tube of lube and a strip of condoms.

"Why do you have those?"

"You can never be too prepared for tour." He walked passed me and sat down on the bed. I turned around to face him only to have him pull me by the fly of my pants. He started to lift my shirt and I removed it, letting it fall to my feet. He undid my pants and pulled them down to my knees. "I'd kill for thighs like these," he sighed. He ran his hands on them softly sending tingles through my entire lower half. He obviously had done this before. I had no idea. I never really asked though, so...

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