11. Ha Impact

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-Kevin's Point of View-

"Mitch just rode my soul."

"I'm sorry, what?"

He pulled his hands through his hair and took a deep breath. I couldn't tell if he'd reached enlightenment or if he was falling apart. I grabbed his underwear off the floor and tossed them at his head. They clung to the side of his head for a few seconds before cascading down his body and landing on the floor. He was a mess.

"I'm... I feel... Everything is tingling."

"I don't want to know, Homie!"

"I don't think I'm the same anymore."

"Please stop."

"I almost called Mitch, Daddy." He looked up at me with those big green eyes of his. I still couldn't tell if Mitch broke him, or if he was so happy he was satisfied. He looked so stunned. "I need a hug."

"Not while you don't have clothes on, Homie!"


I sighed. "Put something on and maybe I'll think about it."

He fell back on the bed and took another deep breath. "Can I marry someone just for the sex?"


"I'd give my left kidney to be his regular booty call."

"Aren't you already?" There was a knock at the door. I walked over and looked through the peephole. Of course it was Esther. She couldn't have had worse timing. I grabbed a pillow from the top of the bed and held it over Avi, who was trying to clutch it over his chest instead of his crotch. I sighed and pulled his underwear on him, like I was his mother and watched him curl into a ball and fall over on his side before I went back to the door. As soon as I turned the knob, Esther shoved her way into the room.

"Avriel Benjamin Kaplan. You have a show in 4 hours. You have to start meting fans in an hour. Don't make me hurt you."

He sat up sheepishly, crossed his legs, and held his arms out towards Esther. She rolled her eyes and hugged him for a moment. She patted his hair like he was a frightened child before standing up, slapping him, and heading for the door.

"I need you to be dressed in a half hour."

"Yes, Ma'am." Avi stood up and almost soullessly walked around the room getting dressed. He was silent. He didn't say another word to me until he was completely showered and dressed. He mindlessly walked up to me and rested his head on the center of my chest, very much like Mitch had done that day in Toronto. He turned his head to the side and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Are you okay?"

"Hold me."

I furrowed my brow, but I did as he asked. I hugged him like I'd hug a fan. He turned his head and pressed his face into my chest. Esther used her key yo burst back into our room. She nodded and motioned for us to follow her into the hallway. Avi detached from me and walked ahead of me.

"Hey, Avi." Mitch had this huge smile on his face. He knew what he did. Did... Did he plan this? Like a habit, Avi walked into Mitch the same way he walked into me and hugged his waist. Mitch didn't hesitate to put his arms around Avi's shoulders. The two separated and walked together behind Scott and Kirstie towards the elevators. I walked with Esther, who was speeding up the further we got down the hallway, easily passing Mitch and Avi.

By the time we got to actually seeing fans, Mitch had given Avi his soul back and some. I had never seen Avi so energetic and giggly. He hugged all 200 of the VIP Pentaholics, which I'd previously thought was impossible. He carried that energy with him on the stage and made our second show at Boston the best-performed show on the tour so far. After everything was said and done, Avi calmed down to a more normal but still drained version of himself. I could tell by the way he was walking as we went to get on the bus that he was going to sleep in the next day.

What did Mitch do to him?

Could I be next?

Did I really want that?

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