4. Revelations

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-Kevin's Point of View-

I woke up late the next morning in an almost empty bus and walked mindlessly into the back lounge, where Mitch was still sleeping on the bench where I'd left him the night before, under the blanket I found in his bunk. I sat opposite of him and decided to check my twitter for a minute, while I had some free time. Of course there was a flood of messages from the fans and I had no problem with answering them.

"Kevin?" Mitch sat up and stretched. Apparently, he'd taken off his shirt in his sleep and curled up with it, like it was a teddy bear. "What time is it?"

"A little after 11. Are you okay?"

He rubbed his eyes and yawned, stretching again. "I'm great actually. Yesterday was just what I needed." He smiled and stood up to get a bottle of water out of the small fridge installed in the wall at the very back of our bus. He sat down and drank a little of it, stretching out on the couch with his feet against my butt.

-Mitch's Point of View-

"Any body here?" Avi was walking around the front of the bus.

"We're back here."

He made his way back, bumping fists with Kevin as he sat down where I was sleeping and wrapping up in my blanket. He tucked his feet underneath himself and took a deep breath. Everything fell still. I took a long drink from my water bottle, obscuring my view of Kevin and Avi.

"Homie?" Kevin asked, almost squeaking.


"You alright?"

"Oh, I'm just fine. I was thinking about..." He looked between Kevin and I quickly. "...Taking up yoga. You wanna try it with me, Kev?"

"No way. Not my thing."

"Oh, really? You seem more... flexible lately."

I felt my heart leap in my chest. I slowly lowered my bottle of water, so I could look at Avi to see if he was serious. He was still wrapped up in my blanket, but he'd folded his arms and spoke almost as if he was scolding Kevin. Kevin hadn't moved since he sat down, but now he was sporting a pair of furrowed brows. Kevin cleared his throat a little.

"Do I? I haven't done anything different."

Hoe don't do it.

"Are you sure? No... stretching of anything?"

Oh my god. Kevin shot his head over to me, but I refused to say a word. I tipped my water back and began to drink again.

"Oh, and Mitch. You have great riding form. Ever thought about horse back?"

I sucked so much water into the wrong part of my body. I coughed and sputtered like my body was expelling a demon.

"Don't get choked up about it! I hear there's a black stallion near by. Heard he's great for beginners."

"Stop!" I managed between coughs as Kevin came over and patted my back to help me out.  After my coughing fit, the three of us sat in an uncomfortable silence. I grabbed another bottle of water, hoping more water would regulate my system.

"So, are you two together, or..."

"No!" I spat. Kevin placed his hand on his chest and turned to me with those same furrowed eyes.

"Should I be offended, because I am? We're not, but I'm offended."

I rolled my eyes and took another drink of water.

"So you... You two just..." 

I paused from my drink quickly. "We fucked." I continued to drink, noting the hand pressed to Kevin's face and the subtle disappointment on Avi's. I was so proud of myself. I was the flexible cause. If that wasn't a confidence boost, I don't know what one is. I smiled into my bottle after I emptied it and capped it. I pressed my feet against Kevin's butt and kneaded them softly. He looked over at my feet and then up at me. As long as he was single, I could just... fuck him. I felt so powerful.

Flexibility (Mevin/Mavi/Avin/Scevin/Scavi)Where stories live. Discover now