13. The Big Reveal

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-Kirstie's Point of View-

It had been 3 days since Kevin told me that he'd slept with most of our small band. I was seven layers of impure, but somehow the bible thumper needed more holy water than me. We all five sat in a hotel room rehearsing for the first time in a little while. I looked around at all the guys sitting on Mitch's bed while I sat on Scott's, trying to keep my sick away from them. Plus, if Kevin had slept with Scott, there's no telling what all Mitch had done. Kevin was sitting on his left side and looking over at him every few measures or so like clockwork. Avi was between Scott and Mitch, but something told me he just wanted to be close to Mitch, which was how he'd been most of the tour so far.

Kevin slept with all of them.

"All of them?"

"All of who?" Mitch crossed his arms and furrowed his brow.


Kevin had this dad-that-lied-about-something-and-needed-a-cover look on his face. I smiled an apology and tried to focus my brain on the arrangement. Everyone but Kevin and I ended up pacing around the room before long. We hit another snag in arranging. Avi and Scott were talking out the issue of where their notes clashed and my brain got onto the wrong thought again.

Kevin had totally slept with all of our friends. Something told me this was somehow all Mitch's fault, but I couldn't be sure. I couldn't even imagine Kevin hugging a guy for too long. How did he manage to sleep with all three of them? I know you can't assume people are into certain things, but he's told us he's straight before. He talks about girls the way Avi talks about food.

"All three of them?"

Kevin jumped to his feet. "Kirstie! Can I talk to you for a second?" Before I could answer, Kevin grabbed my hand and dragged me behind him. He closed and locked the bathroom door. "What is wrong with you?"

"I didn't ask to know this information. This is your fault!"

"This is not my fault! I told you that in confidence."

"It's not my fault you parked your car in everyone's driveway," I shouted a little too loud. Kevin covered my mouth with his hands.

"I know. I just... I haven't gotten to talk to them yet..."

"Are you going to?"

"Of course. I don't know what to expect though. Avi knows about Mitch, but neither of them know about Scott."

"Mitch has no idea about the other two?"


"Okay," I sighed. "I'll keep quiet better."

"Thank you."

-Mitch's Point of View-

Kevin had just yanked Kirstie into the bathroom, which left me with Scott and Avi, who were just as confused as I was. We all stood in random places around the large hotel room waiting for the two crucial members of our band to return from the bathroom.

"It's not my fault you parked your car in everyone's driveway!"

Was that a euphemism? I looked at the others and they looked at each other and then to me.

"Did you guys...?"

Avi nodded unapologetically.

"You nearly made me choke on my soul, then turned around and did him too?"

"I wanted to test the water!"

"I knew he'd done it before." Scott looked like he'd won some type of award. Avi and I exchanged glances.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he was really good."

There was this thick silence. It was like Scott couldn't sense the done-ness I knew was written all over my face.

"What did he do?" I spat.

"Do you remember the little table in our hotel room in Boston?"

"The one that was half my height?" I crossed my arms and glared at Scott.

"Yeah! He sat me on that, then he sucked and fingered me-"

"He did what?"

"At the same time?" Avi objected.

"What the fuck do you mean at the same time?"

"Well," Avi started. "I taught him those, but I taught them separately."

"I had to do all the work! Oh, he owes me."

By the time Kirstie and Kevin walked back into the room, I was livid.

"Where's my finger, Kevin?"

He looked confused. "Attached to your hand?"

"Don't play dumb. Avi got a finger. Scott got a finger. Where's my finger? I feel slighted." I pressed my hand to my chest.

Kirstie's face dropped. "I'm going back in the bathroom."

"It's not his fault you didn't teach him, Mitchie." Avi grabbed my shoulders and massaged them a little.

"You trying to seduce me right now isn't going to help. I want my finger!"

Avi put his hands up in defeat and walked away from me a little.

"I don't know what you want me do-"

"I think I'm being pretty fucking clear, Kevo"

"You guys aren't mad that I slept with all of you?"

Scott and Avi looked at each other and shook their heads. I was still pissed.

He pressed a hand to his chest and took a deep breath. "That's a relief. I'm sorry I didn't say something sooner."

"No. I'm mad because you fingered everyone in this room but me!"

"Maybe I should leave?"

Kirstie felt then a safe time to leave the bathroom.

"Not without my finger!"

Kirstie's face dropped. "I'm going solo."

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