7. Never Again

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-Kevin's Point of View-

Both of our phone alarms sounded from across the room. I opened my eyes to Avi's slightly pissed morning face and had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing.

"This is weird."

"This is weird." He sat up and stretched before pulling his hair back with his hands. He held his fist out towards me and I bumped it with my own. I rolled over and hopped out the bed, beating Avi into the near by bathroom and locking him out.

"There are two bathrooms you idiot!"

I cackled and continued to get ready the way I normally would. What kind of hotel has two bathrooms and one bed? No kind of sense, that. I quickly showered and made sure to do my routine swole check in the bathroom mirror before I wrapped a towel around myself and continued back into the bedroom where Avi was already starting to get dressed.

"We have press today."

"It's all interviews today, right?"

"Yeah. We should probably leave early though."

"You are not wrong." I sat down on the bed and started to lotion my body. I had lotion rubbed in to every part of my body from my feet to my shoulders, but I had to stand up to lotion my butt. The though of casual sex crossed my mind. I had never done it before that time with Mitch, but I didn't hate doing it. It was almost thrilling. I put on a fresh pair of underwear and a pair of jeans. Maybe I was into guys? I was never really against it. I just hadn't entertained the thought. I turned around and Avi was standing with his arms crossed and glaring at me.



"You're... staring."

He brushed his hair back and tightly secured Attila with the ponytail holder he'd almost lost in the mess of sheets on our bed. "Last night was weird."

"It was weird. It was hot though."

"It was! I enjoyed it, but..."

"Never again."

"Not at all."

After all was said and done, we left together. We chatted like usual as we walked down the empty hallway. Avi fell silent suddenly and looked to be deep in thought. He tucked his thumbs into his pockets and stopped at the elevator as I went over to press the button.

"You alright, Homie?"

"Yeah. Just thinking."

"About what." I leaned on the side of the elevator and waited for it to open. After a while, the doors opened and Avi stepped in. He turned around to face me with this sly grin on his face. He had leaned himself against the stability bar that lined the elevator and crossed his ankles.

"You're almost as good a top as Mitch."

"Thank-... Wait, what?"

Flexibility (Mevin/Mavi/Avin/Scevin/Scavi)Where stories live. Discover now