Michael Langdon

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Michael's POV
  I woke up around eight and heard crying coming from Billie's room. I started to panic so I pulled on my clothes and ran to her.

  When I pushed the door open, she was laying there with Wilhelmina and they were both sobbing.

  "Hey," I smiled at Billie.
  "Michael!" She screamed and jumped out of bed, wrapping her limbs around me like some koala.
  "Woah, calm down," I laughed, struggling back to put her on her bed, "good morning Wilhelmina," I smiled and she gave a little one back but I could tell she was scared and confused.

  "Michael, guess what?" Billie bounced up and down on the bed, a huge grin plastered on her face.
  "Mina's awake!" She yelled, squeezing Wilhelmina and kissing her softly, "And guess what else?!"
  "What?" I laughed, giving her prisoner a sympathetic look.
  "SHE STILL LOVES ME!" And then she started to cry and both Wilhelmina and I tried to calm her down and wipe away her tears but it was no use. She was hysterical.

  "Can you get her to be quiet?" Wilhelmina asked me, rocking Billie back and forth.
  "No but could you kiss her to shut her up?" I thought.
  "Maybe," and she kissed the crazy blonde girl, making her be quiet. It worked until she pulled away and then she started to cry ten times louder.

  "Do you want to go downstairs and I'll explain everything to you? Maybe Billie'll calm down a little," I shouted over Billie's sobbing.
  "Sounds good!" She yelled back, laughing a little, which I returned.

  Once we managed to pry her away from Billie, we ran downstairs together, leaving the mess that was the blonde in her room alone.

  "Tea?" I asked, breaking the tense atmosphere.
  "So I'm guessing you have questions?"
  "Loads of them," she laughed lightly and I smiled at her.
  "Instead of asking them all, how about I sum everything up and after that, if you still have questions, I'll answer them for you?"
  "Sounds good," she replied as a put her tea in front of her, "thank you," she smiled.

  "Before the bombs came down, you and y/n were evacuated, leaving Billie alone to die. She decided it would be best if she killed herself before anything else could and whilst she was at peace. The only problem was, it didn't kill her instantly and she was suffering. Just before the bombs dropped, I took Billie and brought her back here, slowly healing her and promising to bring her y/n and yourself. You got that so far?"

  "Yes," she smiled and let me continue.

  "OK so after about a year of the apocalypse, y/n was transferred to your outpost correct?"
  "No. Her outpost fell and she was the only survivor. She was brought to me uncalled for because her file deemed her as necessary,"

  "Right, she was necessary because I had promised Billie the pair of you and that meant I couldn't have her being eaten alive. I can heal all wounds but I can't bring someone back once they're eaten," we laughed a little and then I continued.

  "You were also deemed necessary as you may well know, but that wasn't because you were a leader, it was because again, you needed to be brought back to Bill. When you and y/n died, I had never been so scared. If I failed to bring you back, I agreed to kill Billie but I knew I wouldn't have been able to do it because in the past two years, we've become quite close. I knew I had to save you both and so that's what I did. You had a bullet in your stomach and y/n had one in her head. Here's was more difficult to remove, which means she won't be awake for maybe a week but she's alive. Do you have anymore questions?"

  "Yes. How did you know about me, Billie and y/n in the first place?"
  "Wilhelmina, I need you to trust me. But for that to happen, I need to trust you. Can I trust you?"
  "You can't tell y/n. Got that?"
  "I'm y/n's biological father,"

  She stopped and looked at me before standing up and giving me a hug. I was now aware I was crying and I squeezed her back. We were like that for a while and only pulled apart when Billie went "awwwww,". We all laughed and we exchanged plans for the day.

  I had to go back to outpost 3 and tell all of them that Coco, Wilhelmina and y/n were dead and that following this tragedy, I would not be selecting anyone for the sanctuary. The sanctuary that isn't real and was all a plan to take y/n and Wilhelmina without suspicion. It also mean I got to learn a little bit about them before I took them and I liked that. I like knowing people before I let them in because I don't let many people in. Billie was the first, after y/n's birth mother.

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