Billie, I'm Home

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Michael Langdon's POV
  "Billie, I'm home!" I called, entering the house.

  I put y/n's dead body down on the floor along with her mother's and went upstairs to find my friend.
  "Hey," she smiled, hugging me softly upon seeing me.
  "Hello, Billie. I brought you friends," she frowned at me and smiled a little, obviously confused and I took her hand and led her downstairs into the hallway.

  When she saw their lifeless bodies, she screamed and hugged me tightly, grinning widely.
  "When can you fix them?!" She rushed, bouncing up and down.
  "Soon, onion. Don't worry,"

  Billie and I lived in a small cottage in the clearing of a large, alive forest. I had saved her after she killed herself and brought her here after putting a radiation barrier around the acres of land we lived on.

  She had died before and had been to hell which meant she was able to contact the dead and talk to them as if they were still here. I wasn't able to do that and I'm the Antichrist, so I thought it was interesting whenever she did it.

  I had promised Billie that I would reunite her with her family as long as she promised to not kill herself again. She agreed and I kept my promise.

  I had always liked Billie. I thought she was funny and kind and she always managed to make me laugh, even on the worst days. I had watched her with y/n before the apocalypse and knew I had to let her live.

  I had watched everyone y/n had ever talked to, just to make sure she was safe. She may not have know who her father was, but I knew my daughter. I found that I was more proud of y/n everyday and I loved her despite her not knowing about me.

  "I'm going to make tea, Michael. Do you want some?" She asked, squeezing me again, looking at the dead girls in front of her.
  "No thank you, Bill. I'm going to get to work on these two. Wilhelmina should be easier to fix as her wound was in her stomach. Y/n did her's in the head though, so it will take a little longer,"
  "OK!" She jumped, smiling at nothing in particular and finally letting me go. And then she went off to make tea, as I dragged the girls upstairs.

  I put y/n down on her bed and kissed her forehead softly, realising I had a future with her again.

  Then I threw Wilhelmina down onto Billie's bed and got to work on her stomach. It was a huge bullet, but once it was out, her wound was easy to close up with magic. She had a pulse again but she wouldn't be awake for a day or two.

  "Billie!" I shouted down the stairs.
  "Your fiancé's alive again, she'll be awake in a few days," Billie came running up the stairs sloshing tea everywhere, and darted into her room, where she jumped on the bed and pulled Wilhelmina into a bear hug and cried into her. I figured she would be like that for a while, so I left to start my work on y/n.

  I was a little wary doing surgery on my daughter's head. If I messed up, I wouldn't forgive myself and I knew Billie wouldn't either. The bullet had broken apart, leaving tiny fragments everywhere which were difficult to remove, but after four hours, I had successfully healed her back up again and given her a pulse. It would be weeks until she came around but I was willing to wait.

  I went back into Billie's room and found she had fallen asleep holding Wilhelmina. I picked her up and slid her under the duvet to keep her warm. I did the same to her girlfriend and her arms immediately wrapped themselves around the redhead again. I smiled at her cute reaction and brushed some hair off her face, before leaving them to it.

  I had reunited Billie's family and possibly built my own in the process. I went downstairs to get a drink and then went back upstairs to check on y/n and go to bed. It was four am and I was completely shattered, so I was asleep the minute my head hit the pillow.

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