She's not safe

169 11 21

11pm that night
Michael's POV
Wilhelmina knocked on my door at 11 and we went downstairs to talk.

"She's not safe, Wilhelmina," I said, pacing the room.
"What do you mean?" She asked, alarmed.
"She's giving birth to Satan's grandchild!" I shouted after putting a volume blocking spell on the room so that no one could hear the conversation.

"So she's in danger?"
"Possibly. Most likely. One of them has to die, Wilhelmina and Billie's mortal the baby isn't fully,"
"Billie's going to die," she whispered.
"Not necessarily, I could possibly... no,"
"Tell me,"
"No it's too dangerous,"
"TELL ME!" She screamed, slapping me across the face, tears were steaming down her face.
"I could kill the baby as she's giving birth to it and then save it but it requires a sacrifice,"
"I'll do it. Kill me," she said.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO???" She screamed again, dropping to the floor and looking up at me, "please," she whispered, crying softly.
"I'm not going to kill you Wilhelmina, I'm going to kill myself," I said, kneeling next to her and wiping her tears.

"But y/n,"
"She needs you more than me. I got Billie into this mess, I think, and I'm going to get her out of it. You're all going to survive as a little family out here, just the four of you. Do you understand?"
"Yes," she whispered, hugging me tightly, "we have roughly nine months left together so let's make them count,".
"Yeah, let's,".

We went back upstairs to our rooms and said goodnight where I left Wilhelmina to her wife and I sat by y/n's bed.

Her face looked so perfect in the moonlight and I couldn't help but smile when I looked at her. I thought about how I didn't have long to tell her who I really was to her and that scared me seriously.

"Michael?" She asked, waking up and looking at me confused.
"Hey sweetheart," I smiled.
"What are you doing in here?"
"I was just making sure you were OK. I couldn't sleep,"
"You can get in with me if you want," she sighed and pulled the duvet back.
"OK," I smiled and laid next to her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and fell asleep with her head on my shoulder. I was asleep instantly after that.

  I woke up that morning with y/n still asleep on me. I smiled at pulled her a little closer. I would tell her soon. I decided I was going to swimming with her today and I thought we might drag Wilhelmina and Billie along with us too, just for fun. Above the river, there's a cliff that y/n and I like to jump off into the water, I was going to get Wilhelmina to jump off it no matter how much she protested.

  Haiiiiiii! So I've not caught up with you since the start of this one and I just wanted to check in on you all :) I really hope you're liking this so far and I hope you're ready for some wholesomeness because there's a lot coming :))
  Stay safe

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